J Rodimus
Freaked Out
If im not completely wrong,i think the triangular piece is supposed to be like that,at least my Popbox Optimus Bust is the same way.
I honestly don't think that it's supposed to be that way. I have the Optimus Prme mini-head replica that was part of the Best Buy TF:ROTF special edition and it has both left and right sides exactly the same way. The mini-head replica was produced by Sideshow. Here's are a couple of pics:
The head's right side(our left, it's right), which is the side with the triangular cut out on the maquette:

The right side, which is fine on the maquette.

Now, please believe me when I say I'm not trying to make this issue a big deal. All I want is to confirm for myself and for other collectors that all the maquettes come this way and so there's nothing that can be done about it. It appears that that is the case.