Mendoc, since I can't give you any Reputation I hope you will accept my offer of a crisp high-five.
Anyone hear anything about the Skeletor PF release date yet?
I've got coupons on the last 4 things I've received - AT-AT Driver, He-Man, Darth Maul and the Masters of the Universe print. PM me if you want and I'll shoot you a $20 code. I'll never use them all.
Just sent you a PM. Thanks!
What statue forum is that? And they mentioned the next MotU reveal will be female or the next SS statue reveal in general? I really hope it's Teela. Sorceress would be cool I'm sure, but I'd rather Teela.
9th post down it's mentioned.
Wow, that's really encouraging! Well... crap... might have to take the Evil-Lyn plunge. I love the statue so much. I don't know where I'd put much more than four statues. I don't REALLY know where these are going even. But I love the look.
Wow, that's really encouraging! Well... crap... might have to take the Evil-Lyn plunge. I love the statue so much. I don't know where I'd put much more than four statues. I don't REALLY know where these are going even. But I love the look.
Yes, same with me. I have all three pre-ordered from Sideshow and also the PCS mixed media He-Man too. I've recently set up a Besta but as these will be my first statues I have nothing in it! Hope they confirm who the next one is soon. Hopefully Teela. Anyone else from the UK waiting on theirs? Got the email to remind me to have the funds available on 26 Oct as my order would be processed on that date (which they were) but haven't heard anything since.
Yes, same with me. I have all three pre-ordered from Sideshow and also the PCS mixed media He-Man too. I've recently set up a Besta but as these will be my first statues I have nothing in it! Hope they confirm who the next one is soon. Hopefully Teela. Anyone else from the UK waiting on theirs? Got the email to remind me to have the funds available on 26 Oct as my order would be processed on that date (which they were) but haven't heard anything since.
Damn he looks so good. I really want him but saving funds for other pf. Is the ex worth it? Another store carries it but non ex but 20 percent off so it comes to like 350 shipped. what do you think guys?
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