Well, ****. I think Skeletor might just suck me into this. I wonder what the PCS version will look like, though... There's suddenly a lot of MOTU options lately.
yeah.. from not really many choices at all to too many lol. I'm guessing that PCS mixed media version of Skeletor will look similar to the bust they did. As that is the case for he-man.
I wouldn't call two completely different takes too many options!

But yes, PCS Skeletor will basically be the Skeletor from the '80s cartoon through and through.
As I mentioned when the tease was shown and everyone was hating on Sideshow for ruining their childhood, He-Man is actually TERRIBLE now. Absolutely terrible. Nostalgia is awesome...I had every damn He-Man figure that came out growing up. I loved the show...I was He-Man. I watched the show a couple of years ago, and it's SO bad. If someone can get through a full episode without facepalming and realizing that the show
itself has ruined your childhood memories then I'd be impressed.
What Sideshow has done is taken all our nostalgia for He-Man as children, and made it into a more realistic representation that would appeal to us as adults. And they've succeeded with flying colours!
Skeletor is worthy of all the praise he gets. I think he's so well done that it almost makes He-Man look generic to some. When all is said and done though, I believe He-Man will become more appealing to fans of the line. Once he's in-hand, I think people will regret not getting him over being happy they passed. This duo is one to watch! So long as Sideshow prices them right, then they'll have a healthy new line on their hands!
Oh, and

to those so quickly dismissing these after hearing they're 1/5th, as though it ruins them. I'm happy that's the route they've gone! More cost effective, and easier to display -- it's the perfect size for the line.