1/6 Sideshow Mythos Boba Fett Figure.

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OK, I'm back from another session of wrestling with this figure. His new name is Boba Floppy. I got some more shots, but it's just too much of a struggle to get this figure to stand upright for more than a minute. I can't even position it on the stand without it just falling over moments later. I have never received a figure with a base body this bad since the Sideshow jawas. Really disappointed. I'm going to box it up and send it back...I'll try one more in the hopes that I just got a really bad one. I want this figure. I love the look of it. I just need one I can actually display standing upright.

Here's tonight's gallery of shots....






I hope other folks who get this figure have better luck.
I'm so sorry. The mere idea of boxing mine back up is upsetting to me, but mine isn't quite as bad as yours, I don't think. So mine will stay. The mere idea of trying to get this costume off and onto a new body makes me sweat with fear; I'm not brave like that. AT ALL

In my case what's especially deadly is the combination of the crappy stand *and* the loose-jointedness. If I touch him, the stand collapses and undoes all my work. Next time I get some off-time I will dig up one of my spares I got from Amazon and try him on that. I often use generic stands, since HT makes beautiful stands - but I don't need them to be the size of the average dinner plate. Was hoping this SSC stand would be better.

He looks great with that dewback, I hope they send you a useable one.
The only way to salvage this figure is to replace the body entirely, and at $250 it isn't worth it.
I do hope they'll send me a replacement that is not as loose as this one is. When I'm done snapping shots, I have to lay it down...it simply will not stay upright. I have some older figures from Sideshow that have ended up with this problem, but i certainly didn't expect it from a brand new release that cost so much. And I also am not brave enough to try and disassemble this figure to replace the body and frankly, I shouldn't have to.

As I've said, I'm really stoked about the way the figure looks. I'll snap some more shots before shipping it back next week.

Here's some shots with natural light....



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OK, I'm back from another session of wrestling with this figure. His new name is Boba Floppy. I got some more shots, but it's just too much of a struggle to get this figure to stand upright for more than a minute. I can't even position it on the stand without it just falling over moments later. I have never received a figure with a base body this bad since the Sideshow jawas. Really disappointed. I'm going to box it up and send it back...I'll try one more in the hopes that I just got a really bad one. I want this figure. I love the look of it. I just need one I can actually display standing upright.

I hope other folks who get this figure have better luck.

Your shots are fantastic!:clap
Bummer to hear since I've got the jawas on order - had to have 'em since Mando is on order:cool:. Even knowing about the complaints. Keep looking at this fig 'coz it looks cool, tho not a huge Boba fan. At least re the jawas - have everything from skewers to cheap sculpting tools on hand, along with poster putty and E6000 and aquarium silicon to shove into those joints. This costume looks a beast to wrangle tho.

At 250$ shouldn't hafta fix a body and SS should know better:pfft:. But figure with age (got a Cap w. knees that got floppy, etc) these things might get weak anyway.
Not sayin' it's OK:pfft:. Sux ur pics look like a high end statue.:clap
Thanks for the compliments...and yes, that is the most frustrating thing here. The figure looks great! All of the elements are fantastically rendered except for that floppy-doll body. If the Mythos Kenobi i picked up last year had been like this, I never would have ordered the Fett. It is a stunning setback for SSC. I hope Skiff Guard Lando doesn't end up with this issue when he eventually arrives.

As for the jawas, I recall the same issue...some folks got ones that were loose but okay. The set I received was VERY loose...to the point where I needed to add rubber bands and splints to keep them upright. Like the Mythos figures, they looked great. I wish you the best of luck with the set you ordered.


I want to eventually take the Mythos Fett outside to get some shots later this year, but not if I have to struggle not only with the intense futzing the figure requires but with just keeping it standing up! Heck, that's challenging enough in a controlled environment...it would approach being near-impossible out among the rocks.

Fingers crossed I can get a good one...

Hello again....

In the middle of getting more shots of this guy and I just had to share this one real quick...what an awesome figure!


There may be some issues with it, but it just pops in photos. More later!
Thanks! I am really enjoying it now (body notwithstanding)

One of the cool things to me about the whole Mythos idea is that it reminds me alot of the more graphic-oriented takes on Fett like the old comics.
I'm trying to catch that here...



He looks like he could pop off the panel of one of Jan Duursema's classic Dark Horse comics...I love this Mythos concept for figures. I hope Sideshow does more.

Very cool. Nice graphic elements.

And yes, I could go for more Mythos figures, as well. But who else would they make in that vein...? The other bounty hunters? Chewbacca? Darth Maul? I wouldn’t mind seeing them team up with TBL some more and make an Asajj Ventris and Darth Talon.
I have to say I do NOT get the floppy complaints. He's definitely not super tight but I've had him standing in a pretty dynamic pose since I posted my last pics and he hasn't budged a muscle. No issues when playing around with him at all.
I have to say I do NOT get the floppy complaints. He's definitely not super tight but I've had him standing in a pretty dynamic pose since I posted my last pics and he hasn't budged a muscle. No issues when playing around with him at all.

I think you got lucky. The legs on mine are super floppy. He would not be able to stand for one minute without a stand. For me, it's not a deal-breaker but a bummer given the Mythos Obi-wan has no issues.

If he ever appears in The Mandalorian, I'd love him to look like the mythos depiction or something along those lines.

Jedibear: if Sideshow sends you a tighter body let us know; may do the same.

Psst: Toy Anxiety has new parts, including the helmet, as of this posting. Based on their loose pic of the sash, starting to think its just slips up and on the waist as is.
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I have to say I do NOT get the floppy complaints. He's definitely not super tight but I've had him standing in a pretty dynamic pose since I posted my last pics and he hasn't budged a muscle. No issues when playing around with him at all.

Doubt these things are precision molded or whatever the word is. Like I notice subtle differences in HTs. Or like the CW Bucky body where out of the box, the lower leg would just slip off.

Just hope the incoming Jawas aren't a real pain in the %$ but got epoxy and glue ready. And HT deserves a smack:thwak for putting out a floppy body with pretty elaborate costume - cool figure but not so great when u look at ur shelf and ur pricey fig has just sagged over.
Great looking figure, but lets just call it....there is NO excuses in 2020 that Sideshow can release at $250.00 ($330.00 CAD!!) figure with such a shoddy body. If I get this and have to spend another $50.00 on a base body that is just friggin' laughable.

Another perspective is that I paid $375.00 (CAD) for the Mythos Statue when it came out. I think I will just call it a day...
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I'm still mulling over what to do here. Like the figure so much and it looks great but...the loose-limbed body is just inexplicable. Sideshow makes it really hard to root for them with stunts like this.

I'll contact BBTS this week and see what they'll do, if anything.

Another shot...

It's weird how the jumpsuit weathering doesn't go under the tshirt-like cuffs (at the bicep area,) so in more extreme poses, where the inner sleeve pulls out of the tshirt-like cuffs slightly, you can see the weathering just abruptly stops in a line.
Had some freak amazing weather this past weekend. So I grabbed Fett and ran down to the beach. Here's a little preview of the shots I took and am currently working on.

Had some freak amazing weather this past weekend. So I grabbed Fett and ran down to the beach. Here's a little preview of the shots I took and am currently working on.

Stahp, all these pics make me wanna hit that "buy" button.:stick

It's like "but ur not really into the character pro or con". "But that outfit/weapons are so cool" "But u want the Mando Heavy Gunner and ur cash flow is not unlimited" "But I gotta a coupon" "No" "But u can use him in ur Mando displays it's like HISTORY" "U'll be sorry when u look at the bill" "But he's a LIMITED EDITION" "U need to pay off those Jawas first" "But it's MYTHOS and anyway talked myself out of the ANOVOS helmet" "that's not how budgeting works" "it's my birthday" "no it isn't"....:pow:cool: