1/6 Sideshow Mythos Obi Wan 1/6 Desert Figure

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also has anyone looked at the finger nails on this guy? He has light sections under the nail like a real nail has, that light pink arch under the nail closest to the rest of the finger. I've never seen any figure with that level of detail before ever. That or I've just never noticed it before today.
Still can't decide which pose I like better... Anakin and Obi-Wan in a duel, or if Anakin never turned:


Best is not to contaminate it with that midichlorians-sporting reminder of OT boringfest. ;)
Someone posted a side by side of this and ANH OBi and the paint on this figure is still leagues behind HT

I have both in hand and the sideshow one looks better man. MAYBE it's personal preference but i've had several friends agree with me when they see them in person. I'm not saying hot toys Obi is bad, I'm saying the sideshow is better. Again perhaps I like this mythos figure more than ANH, I never cared for ANH as a film anyhow. I loved Empire and Jedi and the prequels.
also has anyone looked at the finger nails on this guy? He has light sections under the nail like a real nail has, that light pink arch under the nail closest to the rest of the finger. I've never seen any figure with that level of detail before ever. That or I've just never noticed it before today.

Pics please?

I have this figure and many hot toys star wars figures, I'm not a paint expert but I can tell you that this figure looks every single bit as good as my hot toys stuff and better in a lot of cases. I've seen some terrible hot toys figures in the past. This however is not a terrible figure at all, the neck joint is bad I'll admit that easily, but for God's sake this guy looks amazing on display with my custom sand base. leagues better than ANH luke or ANH Obi by Hot toys. I feel like if you just stop and take the time to take the whole figure in and soak up the lore and stories he is wrapped in then you can easily fall in love with this guy. He really is an absolutely fantastic display piece. And While I don't see either Ewan or Alec, I do see Obi wan squinting in the harsh dual suns of Tattooine.

The figure is so wrapped in SWness, as you put it, that what we get is by all means a valid Obi-Wan, yeap. It is all down to the great idea the Mythos statue was, and which I fell in love with on the spot (I immediately set course to make a 1/6 custom, which I almost accomplished, then came this figure and I was ecstatic, it was such a clever idea on SSC's side...). The same happens to me with LOTR figs by Asmus: I'd like them to be accurate (which they are normally not), but, without being a hardcore fan, LOTR is so much more to me than just Jackson's movies, that I can happily accept what Asmus puts out as valid interpretations, if inaccurate wrt the movies.

But accuracy to some established model is ALSO a great source of beauty and satisfaction to me, plus manufacturers brag about it a lot and set their prices depending on this effort for accuracy, so they are supposed to deliver!! Moreover: SSC had two ABSOLUTELY AWESOME headsculpts already done for the Mythos statue!! They were supposed to bask on that release's success, so why did they get all imaginative precisely there?? I just can't for the life of me understand what the hell they were thinking of when they went with this nobody's face...... It is even irritating. Huge screwup as far as I am concerned. Both heads for the final price tag would have been just perfect. But no....

Now is the time were a team of some clever Chinese sculpter and painter put out something like the Space Trucker head (Han Solo ANH, better than anything HT has done about the character this far, yet a bit too big for 1/6) but for Mythos Obi-Wan. And they earn a lot of money (I'd buy both versions for sure).

I think the lack of weathering on the tunic sleeves is supposed to be indicative of the fact they were covered by his brown robe until he tore off the sleeves recently. Not saying it works though, it doesn't look all that good.

Yeap good thinking... don't give a damn though. Sleeves should be weathered. Fig looks unrealistic as it is.

Was going to swap the body but look at these feet pegs! Huge! Lol hot toys is the smaller.

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It is. It's a great body. I just want to use my necked McGregor sculpt and don't want to butcher the neck on this body.

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Very cool, nice to see SSC using decent base bodies. It's about time!
I have both in hand and the sideshow one looks better man. MAYBE it's personal preference but i've had several friends agree with me when they see them in person. I'm not saying hot toys Obi is bad, I'm saying the sideshow is better. Again perhaps I like this mythos figure more than ANH, I never cared for ANH as a film anyhow. I loved Empire and Jedi and the prequels.

It could just be the pockmarks on the ANH Ben that's impressing my frog brain
Best I can do to show the finger nails have the highlighted arches under the nails. Vey impressed with the overall attention to detail on this guy.
