Sideshow Rhino Comiquette - Link to Regular in 1st post.

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Yeah. It's all a dream until we unbox him. Lol. In a way though it is kinda cool. We all get to unbox this mystery package in a couple weeks. Should be fun. I'm totally not burnt out on this piece like I am Bats PF. Pages on and on about it. Pictures abound. Anyway. Just my thoughts.
This isn't the first piece that wasn't shown at the con, just a year or two ago there was something not shown and nothing was wrong with it. There just wasn't enough space for it since it didn't fit with other themes.
Mine has been all ****, Joker was the last piece that I got in immaculate condition...

Ultron was ****.
Psylocke was ****.
Skaar was ****.
Hawkeye is ****.
Not sure if this was already posted but saw this posted on the Facebook statue collectors group.
Looks pretty good