The FM (Fight Mode) body you find on Jack Bauer and the Allstate guy is different from the BL series Enterbay sells on their site. I'm pretty sure the FM body is taller but it'll cost you a pretty penny. The BL series runs about $35 give or take.
The BL body is definitely a good looking base for shirtless figures. The only things that hold it are the cut wrists/extrahands, none of the additional hands allow for accessory posing and the special hands make it that much more to swap them out far hands that can hold anything.
The other big factor is the height. This body is supposed to mimmick Bruce Lee and it does just that. It's really short! How short?
That's the BL3 (the one with the straight neck) next to the standard Pro. Snake Eyes. Put the body next to a TT and it's like that Paul Simon music video with Chevy Chase...