Re: Hot Toys Snowtrooper Commander
I think that's part of it too, Star Wars was just the movies for me and maybe some video games like Rogue Squadron, but there weren't really stories there. I'm sure I read one or two books when I was young but nothing I remember, so I was maybe more open to the sequels than some. I'd also known of Ford's desire to be killed at the end of Jedi and I actually thought it would have been an interesting plot point despite him being my favorite character. I still find ANH moving when Ben is killed.
Yeah, I still really don't like that scene. My friend had to go to the bathroom during the first time we saw it and was lucky enough to go during that exact scene.
It feels like the type of thing I hated from the prequels and to top it off, they missed a golden opportunity for cool aliens. Take out the rathtars and just have the fire fight with a couple alien gangs and the scene might have worked for me.
Probably me too. I have the e-web and I'm thinking this guy the snowtrooper and the e-web will make a great little detolf display.
It comes down to what you grew up with. The OT filled my imagination from an early age. Even those early wacky Marvel SW stories. Plus the early novels. Even Splinter of a Mind's Eye fits in there somewhere, some how.
I think that's part of it too, Star Wars was just the movies for me and maybe some video games like Rogue Squadron, but there weren't really stories there. I'm sure I read one or two books when I was young but nothing I remember, so I was maybe more open to the sequels than some. I'd also known of Ford's desire to be killed at the end of Jedi and I actually thought it would have been an interesting plot point despite him being my favorite character. I still find ANH moving when Ben is killed.
The whole freighter scene I hated. Like so bad...I don't know why but I hated it. Seemed so unlike SW and felt more like the also JJ Abrahams directed Star Trek. Also I felt that would have been a good place to have one of the old bounty hunters (Boba Fett anyone) appear instead of those run of the mill space thugs.
Yeah, I still really don't like that scene. My friend had to go to the bathroom during the first time we saw it and was lucky enough to go during that exact scene.

It feels like the type of thing I hated from the prequels and to top it off, they missed a golden opportunity for cool aliens. Take out the rathtars and just have the fire fight with a couple alien gangs and the scene might have worked for me.
So who's going to be snagging this one then? I certainly will be! Not sure about the Snowtrooper though. I'd love to get both but I'm pretty happy with my SSC snowtrooper and my wallet is taking such a heavy pounding with all these superb OT figure releases I'm not sure I can justify it.
Probably me too. I have the e-web and I'm thinking this guy the snowtrooper and the e-web will make a great little detolf display.