Sideshow Spider-Man Comiquette (2010)

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Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

Good luck Karamazov. Hopefully you'll receive a suitable replacement.
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

Pretty soon after I got him--early January I think. They sent me the shipping label a couple weeks ago, but I didn't get around to shipping until today.
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

Pretty soon after I got him--early January I think. They sent me the shipping label a couple weeks ago, but I didn't get around to shipping until today.

SS must have changed their return label policies. They used to only give you 3 days to ship it back after receiving the label.
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

Finally !!!!!!!!!!!! I got a perfect one !!!! and ss start doing things right, they inspect before sent him to me, there is even a orange paper about the inspection, for this few month, this is first time I received a batter replacement !!
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

Mine has been posted :yess: get him on Monday :panic: I asked for him to be inspected. Fingers crossed :D
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

Mine has been posted :yess: get him on Monday :panic: I asked for him to be inspected. Fingers crossed :D

if you see an orange paper, you will be fine !!:hi5:
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

I hope so. He is in Belfast :yess: Monday is the day! Saving my 3,333 post for a pic of the trio :panic:
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

what do you all think? should i send it back for my 4th replacement?
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

too picky imo.
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

The only thing that bothers me is the leg.
4th one?! That's crazy...
Your call man.
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

anyone know of a professional statue painter that could fix this?
Re: Spider-Man Comiquette - Waitlist links available in 1st post.

what's wrong with it? :dunno

nothing too major other than the leg paint. the rest are several black smudges here and there while other lines are black lined well.