Does anyone have a loose magnet where the web slinging hand connects?
Who'd of thought the imminent release of the JSC would provoke more action in this thread than that one?
Well, I kind of bumped this thread since I got this piece a few days back. Then you all went mental!
Awesome review m8... Even though I have him I never tire of hearing the reviews...:-D
Yeah... gonna slum it in 1/5th town from now on
Yeah and then all the JSC groupies had to rush in and steal your thunder DC..... AWESOME PIECE!!!
Awesome review m8... Even though I have him I never tire of hearing the reviews...:-D
His waist looks tiny compared to his chest/shoulders in that vid. Is it like that, or just an awkward angle?
Yeah, I agree 100% DC. This may be an Olivetti piece but it always screamed Mark Bagley Spidey to me.
So, I'm not the only one, huh? That's great to hear!
Hehe, yea that would probably not be right. I'd love to get Stan Lee's signature on my base, but alas, I understand he won't come to Europe again...
oh man ski, you shouldn't give your kids sharpies silly...