There are lots of figures I could get buyer's remorse from, but Stormie figs aint them! No way I would cancel...of course, I am trying to pace myself and buy the core 'wants'
For Star Wars, there's two figures that are must-haves for me: Vader and a Stormtrooper.
I understand why people are veering away from Star Wars after so long... but a Stormtrooper is one of those figures that is the whole point of collecting the line.
I had only ever ordered one, but when I get Vader I may decide that a second would be cool and I'll have more money then so that might be an option. I wish SS would do a new Jedi Luke from ROTJ. I missed out on the first one, and I think with the new pro body and a better sculpt it would sell well.
I'm surprised about everyone cancelling prior to seeing in-hand pics?!
I just got Jedi Luke from ROTJ this year and I can't wait to have a flank display with Vader as well. As I said got my notice for the reg and ex troopers, waiting for a convert that I'm sure will happen with the Sandtrooper.
I was at work waiting on the pre-order for the Sandtrooper and my boss pulled me into a meeting last minute so I missed the pre-order. He went so quickly also because I was back in 15-20 minutes and all ready sold out... SUCKS I'm sure he will convert though!![]()
I was hoping an EX would convert for me, but it hasn't. And for some reason...I don't think it will, hehe. Same goes for Vader.