I know there are other details that distinguish the stunt from the hero (most of which I don't know). I am simply going by the height of the black band above the lenses. I always thought the stunt helmet had the band higher and the hero helmet had the band lower closer to the lenses. I know there are other width differences and no I can't see those either. Guess, I'm wrong by using that to make the statement that it looks like the stunt helmet, sorry.
Didn't mean to sound like an ass, sorry if it sounded that way.
I was just stating that I am, indeed, incapable of noticing the differences.
As for the lower brow, I think that was a difference from one movie to the other, and sometimes poor placement in ANH's stormies.
I saw a pic once where the brow is pushed way up and looks pretty stupid. Kinda like Vader's off-kilter helmet aboard the Tantive IV (I think).
I still plan to get 8. I thought about canceling 2 of them but I decided to keep them all.
Anyone notice that the helmet on the trooper on the far left looks more like the stunt helmet than the others. I guess those are just all prototypes so guess they are supposed to look different. Just thought it was interesting.
Has anyone gotten a pre-auth for the Stormie yet?
Has anyone gotten a pre-auth for the Stormie yet?
cape liner?![]()
It used to be that the online dealers got their alottment after Sideshow started shipping. But lately it's been the other way around with some of the figures.
Are you talking about Lando? Stormtroopers don't wear capes.