Premium Format Sideshow Sucker Punch BABYDOLL PF!

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Big sigh of relief that Tim Miller didn't sculpt her. Now I can happily and easily pass. :D Congrats to those who are excited/going to order her.
Will be my second PF (Stormtrooper will be the first).
And gonna watch the extended edition tomorrow on Blu-Ray again :D

It's going to be my second pf too.

My first was Ash.


Will be my third... Emma Frost was first, Cyborg Darth Maul the second and likely this

I think he means that pieces like "Baby Doll" have little to do with "collecting" as a motive for purchasing them. People who acquire such pieces usually do it out of sheer sexual perversion; which makes it shallow.

I'd order it cos i like the film, like the character and thirdly cos it's aesthetically cool looking

In summary,
Reality:2 minutes:
- Girl defends herself from evil father and accidentally kills sister.
- Girl gets committed
- Girl sinks into a fantasy world
- Girl gets a lobotomy
- Everything else: 108 minutes

And there in lies the fun, i liked how this film (unlike any other) let me decide what happened in the real world of the films story.

The events of the film did take place in reality in a way that i can decide with my own imagination, like a book does.

Go to to find out where he's coming from...

Second time you posted that link, do you work there or have your own collection of them or something?
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No thanks. :cool:

Pro Tip:lecture

And there in lies the fun, i liked how this film (unlike any other) let me decide what happened in the real world of the films story.

The events of the film did take place in reality in a way that i can decide with my own imagination, like a book does.

I love that aspect of the movie. For example I loved how they never showed Baby Doll's "dance" on screen. I was left to my own imagination. I also like coming to my own conclusion about what was really happened in "reality" :)
I think he means that pieces like "Baby Doll" have little to do with "collecting" as a motive for purchasing them. People who acquire such pieces usually do it out of sheer sexual perversion; which makes it shallow.

What if you just like to collect pretty things?
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So if Tim sculpted this you would buy? Strange way to collect.

I would really consider purchasing her if Tim sculpted her. All of his pieces are gorgeous and it would definitely be hard to pass up or regretful to, if i had to. Now I don't really care either way. :lol
I would really consider purchasing her if Tim sculpted her. All of his pieces are gorgeous and it would definitely be hard to pass up or regretful to, if i had to. Now I don't really care either way. :lol

Wait a minute, you'll pass on a Trevor Grove Babydoll but would be all over a Tim Miller Nanny McPhee????

Maybe :eek:

Tim can make me take characters that aren't my favorites or must haves for me and be seriously interested... ie. Black Queen, Black Widow, Mystique, etc. Plus I love Timmy. :love
I think he means that pieces like "Baby Doll" have little to do with "collecting" as a motive for purchasing them. People who acquire such pieces usually do it out of sheer sexual perversion; which makes it shallow.

If I could afford it...I would buy a real doll in a heartbeat...if anyone thinks that's to me when you have been married with kids for 15 yrs.

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Enough Jesus talk people. And enough about this 'perverted sexual reason' bullsh$t. Leonidas is obviously offended by a women with curves (no offense leo).

People buy Darth Talon for perverted sexual reasons. We will buy Babydoll because she kicks ass.