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And Chaps! I'LL END YOU!!! :gah:

I am the No. 1 everything! You get that! YOU GET THAT!

Got it? Good!

Now we can be back to being :1-1: And no, that isn't bed buddies. Just friends.

*listens to ear piece*

Uh huh....Yes....Okay, I'll let him know.

*finishes conversation*

Yeah, Eli that was my source again letting me know he actually told your source to let you know so you wouldn't feel left out. I truly, TRULY wish you the best at being #1 at something. Unfortunately, it's not Buffy, Drive, or the SSC Sucker Punch license. It's just not.

I wish I could say that I'm making this stuff up. Nova even asked me, and I told straight up. This is not a joke. My source told me next week. I can't make this stuff up. I just report it.

:1-1: Friends.
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Great news! :yess:

Where did read this, Eli? IS this on Sideshow's Facebook page?

My sources tells me that Eli is sleeping with someone from Sideshow's QC dept.


You guys didn' hear it from me though... :monkey1
Hey now I don't look anything like that guy, but I could totally see myself doing that. I mean who wouldn't wear tights and start singing and dancing... I mean I can see Chaps and Snoopy getting into it. Especially Ink!
Back on topic. Looking forward to the PO on this piece. I hope the EX is something worthwhile. Any ideas what the base might have on it?
By awesome you mean whack off worthy for some? Oh yes, I went there. Please, what heterosexual nerd collector boy won't be doing that to this statue. Just sayin'.

*bolts for it*