I agree!is that his nipples protruding? If that's the case i mean...

I agree!is that his nipples protruding? If that's the case i mean...
The proportions overall are…weird. The costume looks awesome too. What a shame.What happened to his chest? It seems to have suddenly shrunk.
Out of the box video is up:
Agreed. I guess since the head is a separate piece, it one wanted to, they could commission an actual good artist to do a custom sculpt in order to replace the sideshow one. We shouldn't have to do that though.It’s even worse in person. What a total fail on Sideshow’s part.
I see what you're saying and I see what he's saying. I'm somewhat neutral on this. I mean it is a crappy headsculpt but you can at the very least tell who it's supposed to be. I mean for only $600 what do you expect? I've been on the fence on this piece but decided to wait til it's discounted because it'll definitely be available for a while. The only reason I'd get this is because I'd like to get a custom sculpted Christopher Reeves headsculpt with possibly rooted hair in the future. Other than that, what other Christopher Reeves Superman statue are on the market currently? I love Arnie Kim's version but $7k is retarded expensive, plus im saving my $ for JND's Cavill Superman"this is a respect piece" More like a disrespect piece with that headsculpt
"basically the price of a Hot Toys" maybe a 1/4 HT figure but not 1/6. Closer to InArt in some cases than HT when it comes to pricing.
If collectors are genuinely happy with it, I'm glad. But that video sounded more like a long justification for actually buying it rather than a review. Who was he trying to convince? Us or himself?