Opinion 1. As always, the paint apps on the production piece are nowhere close to the league of the prototype, no surprises. But the latest photos show that the production apps are not SO bad that they degrade the piece any more than the usual proto -> production transition.
Conclusion 1. Same sculpt. Give or take the standard anomalies that can happen when the original mold is replicated for the factory, this is the same Trevor Grove head sculpt unveiled at SDCC 2013. The DLD shots, despite the angle issues, show that. I think that as we see a few more in-hand pics from members any remaining question will fade when a variety of lighting types are available for examination
Opinion 2. This is a Hell of a nice piece! The costume is just fantastic, the pose really works well for this incarnation of Supes (SO much better than the same pose on the Reeve PF). And with the bonus of getting our hands around the cape posing, this is going to be a center-piece of our PF collections.