Super Freak
The sculpts seem to be fine on all their latest statues (IE: T-800, Red Sonja, MOS) but it's the paint apps that fail IMO.... so then it becomes a question if the statue is worth spending another $150+ on to have the face repainted in order to get the prototype look.
Expect to pay a lot more than $150, I think it would be at least $250, since most professional painters charge $150 + to repaint 1/6th sculpts. So imagine the price they would charge for a 1/4 sculpt to be repainted!

BTW, the work that guy did on ScarJo is sick....
Yeah with a paint job like that there is no doubt now that the PF sculpt is ScarJo.
The costume came out great. Prefer HT headsculpt though.
I think most people do, but there is still something off about that one IMO. I think they went overboard with the squinting frown look, which threw off the likeness a bit IMO.
I got mine in. Just a couple points:
1. I know it's minor, but there was no QC sticker on the styrofoam and no Sideshow logo to indicate the top or bottom of the styrofoam. Opened up mine upside down.
2. He's EXTREMELY light. I was actually shocked that it was that light. It's probably as heavy, if not lighter, than the J Scott Campbell Gwen Stacy statue
3. Tissue paper was stuck to the suit. I thought it damaged it but all the markings came off with a bit of water. My base has a few paint imperfections and scratches, not sure if this was intentional
4. I had a hard time lining up the the statue into the slots. I felt like I was going to break it, didn't look like they lined up at all at first.
All in all, I'm satisfied. Sculpt looks bang on in my opinion, and the suit doesn't feel cheap and doesn't look like pyjamas.
Oh that really sucks!

I think it's almost a form of False advertising when we place our order based on the
Prototype Pics. Then Sideshow ships something that looks nothing like it. Head painted wrong.
Suit painted wrong and left hand wrong. I understand prototypes can differ from the Final version,
but should it be this much.
You are obviously new to Sideshow, making their products look totally different is their calling card.

Nevertheless, I think it is the bright lighting from the flash that is making the suit look more blue in that pic than it does in hand.
I really don't think the argument holds. Based on the pic attached below, I'd say this is a success story for proto to production. Are there annoyances? No question. But are they more in number or severity compared to other examples? I really don't think so.
It might be a fair suggestion, however, to approach Sideshow with the idea that maybe instead of producing a proto with paint apps that are clearly going to be untouchable at the factory, perhaps produce a paint master that is more realistic in terms of what will be delivered. After hundreds of PFs released by the company to date, surely they have a decent idea of what to expect...

In those pics the suit looks practically the same dark color and not bright blue like it does in others. So the suit color differences are most likely die to lighting.
Man the suit is really really well done and pretty accurate in texture/color...
Thanks manthat really means alot
PFs are always fun to repaint so I can't wait for this
No worries man I have to give credit where credit is due!
And like I said I can't wait to see your repaint as the skin tone appears to be yellow in some pics.