I was tempted with the Prototype pictures but after seeing the production piece, Wow, I'm so glad I cancelled mine.... The likeness is way off... This statue reminds me of the Mass Effect Commander Shepard statue, the prototype looked pretty good likeness wise but the production version was a mess...
Like I said before, maybe they just picked a bad production piece to shoot. They can sometimes vary quite a bit.Waiting for in hand pictures?
Those are pictures of a production piece taken by a professional photographer.
It isn't going to get any better.
Like I said before, maybe they just picked a bad production piece to shoot. They can sometimes vary quite a bit.
Waiting for in hand pictures?
Those are pictures of a production piece taken by a professional photographer.
It isn't going to get any better.
Waiting for in hand pictures?
Those are pictures of a production piece taken by a professional photographer.
It isn't going to get any better.
Using polystone such cheap material for the real human skin is a tragedy.
Maybe the clay sculpt of this is not far away from EB one, but the final product looks...well, NECA.
If sideshow wants some quick money, just try to re-release their T2 Arnie life size bust with better material and fixing the eyebrow on that one.
The hair and general headshape from all angles are better than Hot Toys DX13. Much to my chagrin that HT just can't get that right. I don't know what the **** they're looking at. Probably just making it up.