Look at it this way folks and this is just from a business perspective point of view. A lot of people passed on Dr. Doom. Back then lots of people have too many complaints. Mixed media covers the details of his body blah blah. Price tag in 2ndary market today $4000-4500. And people are still buying it. Same with XM magneto. People passed on it. Thought they were newbies. Relatively not well known. Doubts ran high if they can pull it off. Price tag $3000-3500. As popular as Thanos is and with this low ES for the exclusive yeah maybe it is priced a little high rightnow but what do you think this will be worth down the line. Could be a good investment when you grow old and want to give up on this hobby. So i see a lot of potential for this statue down the line. Besides think what Dr. Doom EX came with. A freakn chalice. No other switchouts. But its grail. XM mags with the coin. And the damn coin sells for $275. So if your on the business side of the end i think getting this will be worth the while.