I don't think you can use the phrase "your guys' educational system" and simultaneously slam someone's intelligence haha.
And no, of course production and labor costs have increased overseas which has led to an increase in prices, however, not many of the other statue companies have nearly doubled their price in the last three years. I don't find any fault in a company charging the most they can but let's not act like Sideshow isn't padding prices on top of the increased costs.
If someone lets go of their EX please let me know..I missed out. Thanks![]()
I blame your guys' education system.
It amazes me how uninformed the general public is in regards to actual inflation
The stock index of China has gone up 31% in the past 5 years
So.... to gauge inflation better realize that a $400 commodity back in 2012 will now cost $526 in 2017 dollars.
No Sideshow doesn't control the world's financial systems or influence it one bit.
FYI the US stock exchange is up 81% in the same period
Not sure where you came up with this, but stock indices are not a direct reflection of price inflation for commodities. Yes Chinese and US stock markets are up nicely, but core inflation in the US and China has run ~2% per year
CPI is not entirely accurate... and like someone asserted " the numbers can be manipulated".
Whereas when you look at empirical evidence such as the stock indexes you can infer OBVIOUS trend.
it's rather simple
Interest rates are low ( and have remained low for the past 10 years almost).
As a result
More TEND (not always) borrow money so they can spend
the more you spend the more inflation.
The opposite is true in hyper - deflation (oddly people are under the impression this would be a better scenario when in fact it's the worst).
It doesnt take a genius to determine we are living in an economic expansion (or at least in the past 10 years).
Inflation has gone up kids...
The stock market is an obvious indicator of that.
It amazes me how often people refute common facts.
As if 1 + 1 doesnt equal two.
btw Your guys' is correct syntax...
An amusing page or two. The stock market / inflation / blah blah blah has very little to do with escalating prices as far as statues are concerned. The good factories in China have jacked up their prices and SS has also jacked up its profit margins. That has more to do with it than anything else.
Ummmmmm I think your English professors will want a word with you
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