If the gold collar is a separate piece, it would be simple enough to have a forward looking neck piece that could be swapped out. I don't see that being the case though with there already being an alternate head and left arm. You start adding more swap out parts and you raise the price very quickly. Its possible the exclusive could just be a 'deluxe' version with the swap out parts and the regular is a more basic version with just the single choice parts. If that were the case, I could see an alternate neck joint being a possibility. In any case, I wouldn't be surprised to see if made by a customizer as some alternate PF parts have been in the past.
Its too bad the heads don't connect on a ball joint. You might have been able to get a decent forward looking pose with a ball joint. Combine it with the left arm resting on the throne and it might have looked like Thanos leaning to the left a bit and tilting his head slightly.