not really getting this. cool for collectors. But now i see that sideshow would rather do statues then 12 inch figures..please just give your licenses to hot toys so they can do the pieces now...
Love the Cocktease sculpt. Totally getting that one.
How could someone not know what The Venture Bros.s are, it's almost 2011? What rock have they been under?
Not everyone have cable television unless they syndicate it to regular TV. I've seen a few episode but no time to see all. I think I've seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force(part of Adult Swim?) too but not all.
Venture Bros. needs a smaller scale figure line with the amount of characters there are. Too bad we got trolled with ____ty MEGO figures.
Not everyone has cable television in 2011? I find it odd that not everyone has digital cable let alone not cable itself, what is this the stone age?