SIDESHOW! We need 1/6 Ashoka "Snips" Tano NOW!

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Will you buy a 1/6 Ahsoka Tano?

  • YEAH - She rocks! I Love Her!

    Votes: 29 29.9%
  • NO - She is the reason why Anakin killed all the younglings!

    Votes: 55 56.7%
  • Maybe....

    Votes: 13 13.4%

  • Total voters
I'd buy it only if they made her look real like Aasaji Ventress. Then it would be neat. She has a really great color scheme.

Absolutely. But I would prefer for Sideshow to make a new female body altogether before making any more characters using the female Buck. Particularly those with a lot of exposed skin (slave Leia, Ashoka, Oola, etc). Aayla was such a huge dissapointment on it.
Meh, Owning Aayla, I like her. Granted it's not perfect but she's no worse than any other sideshow figure. She's no old ben, but still not bad for a Low end "high end" figure.
Do they need a new woman body? yes. perhaps hot toys will share their new one.
Hell No. At Sideshow's current prices I wouldn't waste and time and/or space with the Intergalactic version of Miley Cyrus. This is where I wish that Hasbro had a 1/6 line to compliment the Sideshow line because if I had a daughter that actually liked Ashoka then I would happily spend $20 on one but at current Sideshow prices I would laugh my head off at the thought of spending $80 or $90 for my daughter to wave around one of the reasons I hated this new Star Wars adventure. way! This is the reason I did not like the movie!! Completely unnecessary character
...when's the PPO???

I guess the bigger issue (and not a question if I would buy them or not) is if Sideshow would commit to making an "Animated" line of figures. I'd prefer her in the style she originated in. I'm eyeing the Jap. Koto vinyl statues with her in it and I like the look of them. If Sideshow did a high-end version of her or Hasbro did a 12" line on the cheap, they would be part of my collection.
I guess the bigger issue (and not a question if I would buy them or not) is if Sideshow would commit to making an "Animated" line of figures.

SSC already said any animated entries Asajj, Padme, Clone Obi General and the upcoming Captain Rex (Come on you know its coming due to the Obi Exclusive) would be done in realistic formats. So any Ashoka that would be produced at least in the 1/6 line would look more like Shaak Ti junior instead of her Clone Wars animation look.