Have you received Lurtz already? If so, did you take any pics?
Yeah, I got him last week I think. I haven't yet. I hope to get pictures taken this week of several things.
Have you received Lurtz already? If so, did you take any pics?
Do you have the Ringwraith bust from this line? If so, any way I could get you to take a pic of him next to the Witch King bust?
So Josh, what LOTR line is your main line now? Did you have all the Weta's and the PFs and sell some?
Well, its always been my main line. At one time during the SSW line I was only like 10 statues away from having all the statues. Then I sold off a lot of my stuff when I was dating this girl. I've bought stuff from other lines for licenses I like as well but for me Middle-earth has always been at my heart. So the last little bit I've gone back and gotten a few pieces back or added pieces I liked that I can get cheap. Basically mixing those in with my new items from SS, Weta, and GG. As far as PF's go I've only ever had a few but never kept them very long. They tend to eat a lot of space that I can use for several pieces. So that's why I'll be sticking with Sauron and the RWOS PF. I do have all the new statues from Sideshow and almost everything Weta has put out to this point either via The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit.
You can check out what my collection and set yours up this way as well. Its a great site created by a fellow freak.
My collection at Collection Stash.
Wow, that's a lot of LOTR pieces!
It would be cool to see how you have them all displayed.