Guys, he bought my Celtic Predator. First of all, he did 3 things wrong:
1.Misread my sale thread(I said in caps, and in bold lettering that the box was not included) F.Y.I : I had three other people beside him PM me about the Pred and they all understood he didn't have his box.
2.Misunderstood me, when I said the Celtic was 100% complete(he is, although I forgot to pack the spear and stand in his box) I had alot of other packages going out that day and forgot them.
3.Is blaming me, for some damage that happend durning transit(that's not my fault)
I did NOT steal this person's money, I'm trying to make it right, and he's threating to sue me, and throw me in jail. I sold him the figure "AS IS" I bet he didn't tell any of you guys that either? did he???
He's just pissed off because it's not what he expected it to be. He's also saying I never disclosed the mask was "custom" I'm posting a pic below, tell me that it's not selfexplainitory

(mind you, these are the same pic's that were in my for sale thread too.)