But it's on the mesh, which isn't a solid part of the bio. Unless the brown is the original color of the mesh, meaning it was dyed or something. The whole recasting process is so damn weird...
i do. if you don't, then you seriously need to find a cheaper hobby. HT figures are high-end collectibles. and if you're living from paycheck to paycheck then you're living beyond your means by collecting them. i just don't get where people's priorities are when they put themselves in debt buying toys they can't afford.It's not?? I was told by the seller(of that Bio mask) that is was. ____! this is Bull____(on my behalf and his) I'm trying to make this right, but who has $420 laying around? I sure as hell don't...
Oh man I just read from page 14 to here. My eyes are too tired for me to even leave a proper response. I hope you guys work things out. But for anyone that's gonna spend that much money on a fig, a bit of research would have helped point out that that bio is a recast and not the original.
Ok guys let's give them some room to breathe here.
Mistakes happen, so do lapses in judgement.
What matters is the willingness to learn from them and make amends when they happen.
@ PVA. I'm glad you're doing what you can to correct the misunderstanding.
You might want to explore a fig swap with ash to put the matter to rest.
Good luck to both. Let's keep things positive as much as possible![]()
After reading most of what's going on I have to say something. AVP bought the Celtic from me. And this not NO ILL WILL toward him because he is a good guy. Maybe he got caught up in selling, buying, selling and then buying again. We all saw his threads on that. I think he just got caught up on trying to have EVERYTHING. And couldn't stick to one thing. And if you have the money for that more power to you, but if you don't why risk buying a $450 figure. I've been there and done that. And thanks to my terminator bro(ENDO-HUNTER) showed me to stick to 1 or 2 collections and stick with it. I too wanted EVERY Hot Toy figure that came out but they're getting more and more expensive with each Pred. Now...back to the Celtic. I sold it to him without the box. He might have bought one somewhere else. I sold mine for $25 here. The Mask I sold was the original. The eyes were painted silver by SilentSurfer and had the Alien claw marks on it. He then took off the claw marks and it looked brand new. I remember because were going to see the Friday the 13Th remake and I couldn't get a baby sitter.
Anyways....he got sold with the stand, his star, long blades, extra hands, but No spear and No box. Here are some pics. *WARNING PIC HEAVY*
How I got him originally:
And how I sold him:
I still think AVP is a GOOD guy. And for what it's worth I'm selling some of my stuff to help him out. Maybe they can return the figure, and then workout a reasonable payment plan.
Oh man I just read from page 14 to here. My eyes are too tired for me to even leave a proper response. I hope you guys work things out. But for anyone that's gonna spend that much money on a fig, a bit of research would have helped point out that that bio is a recast and not the original.
Woah woah woah stop there Juan. You're a great guy and from what I see the bio you sold him is nothing like the one he sold ashkanls. NOTHING! That is obviously an original HT bio you got there with silver lenses painted by Surfer. (I myself has done the same thing and it looks fantastic.) But take a look at the picture that ash posted. It looks nothing like the bio you sold to PvA. And PvA is blaming it on the person that sold it to him. I seriously thought it really was a misunderstanding even up to now but I'm starting to really feel doubts here.
Can you darthjuan007, confirm that THIS is the bio you sold to PvA? Because this is what he's saying you sold to him.
Sure as hell doesn't look like it.
Im looking at the mask rite now. Its very soft and flexable. The screen over the eyes is actually gold on the inside of the mask and the outside was painted silver (dry brushed). On the inside they is exsesive paint that ran down. Hell ill put up a pic.
I rest my case. PVA just wont stop lying
It's not?? I was told by the seller(of that Bio mask) that is was. ____! this is Bull____(on my behalf and his) I'm trying to make this right, but who has $420 laying around? I sure as hell don't.
C'mon AVP don't blame this on me. i hooked you up with one of the most wanted Preds out there for less than what you sold it for.
@Rain: No my friend...THAT is not the bio I sent AVP. As you can see in all the pics that is the O.G Celtic bio that came from HT. I have more pics I can dig up....AVP.![]()
Bro....if it doesn't work out, I wouldn't mind briging him back home.
Im out $420.... Kind of. I have something for the money atleast. How old is he (in your opinion atleast)?
As you can see the scratches on my bio and the lens I sold him are WAY different on the one that he tried to sell.
Oh yea dude. And you can obviously tell the brown/tan details that yours is an original. Any owner of the HT Celtic can tell you that. Because we've all spent hours staring at that beauty.![]()
Well nothing else is wrong with the figure right? If you can get some money back and get the stand and spear, it is still a great figure. The hard part is getting an original Celtic Bio. That's nearly impossible but a lot of recasts are almost as good as the original now with the same type of lenses and everything. Your call. You can still come out good on this.