Wow!! last one sold for over $800 shipped...
Damn! 800 bucks! Was that on ebay?
Best bio to be relaeased so far. I have ZERO complaints.
If you can get one at a resonable price, go for it!!
$405 with $100 shipping.
Celtic's bios is pretty badass with the lense mod. But still sideshow fail for not making it perfect. When you pay all that money, you don't expect to have to mod it yourself.
and funny I own both of those!
Owning a Celtic helmet was one of my life goals. i'm so ____ing happy I own one.
And yes I added Lenses.
I do like this bio but I hated Wolf and I wont be buying
... really?
Well, congrats to whoever got it then... huh. Wonder if Legendary Hunter got it.