I finally opened mine up to inspect today, and I'm completely disappointed in Sideshow. Overall he look great, but closer inspection I've found several spots with paint that wasn't finished, some scuffs on his leg, and some minuscule scratches on the base (I'm not worried about that, but everything is starting to add up). I was so excited with this guy until 10 minutes ago when I opened up the box. I'm gonna have to email sideshow to see what they're going to do to make this right, but if it's what they did with the other Deadpool I think I'm going to cancel everything I have on order, and just be done with them. I may be able to overlook the stuff on his arm/hand, but the leg is too much for me to tolerate. I hate to always ***** about this stuff, but I've spent too much $$ over the years to have such bad outcomes with their PFs.