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I meant to mention... I had mine redirected by FedEx to my new work address last night and it showed up at the correct address this morning. +1 for FedEx believe it or not... :monkey1
.. didnt charge me anything either

Didn't charge you anything... yet.:D
I secured a 2nd one from a board member (who shall remain nameless) shortly after it was sold out and just found out its number #97. So add that one to your list Neil. :monkey1
Here we go!






BM - whats your review.. like it... like it alot... love it... hate it...??

I'm still at work so i haven't seen mine yet....
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BM - whats your review.. like it... like it alot... love it... hate it...??

I'm still at work so i haven't seen mine yet....

It's smaller than a medicom figure! :monkey3

Not really my cup of tea for this price range. It is nice. Personally I find the colored one to look cheap. For the price I would stick with this. :monkey3

#14 (ComputerFly)
#31 (Zoomaround)
#57 (Badmoon)
#71 (wofford29)
#72 (praxitas)
#74 (Bannister)
#88 (occulum)
#85 (pixletwin)
#94 (iansilv)
#97 (praxitas number two--mac daddie)
Honestly size aside it is quite nice. The sculpting is very good and I think this version shows it better than the colored version. I just can't get over the price for how small it is. Not to mention the prices this will probably fetch. I would say if you collect the dios this is a must. I am holding out for Luke Vs Vader from Jedi.
Yeah, that's sorta my main problem with the dios thus far. They just remind me of updated versions of the Hasbro Unleashed stuff. :monkey3
Saturn makes cool looking cars now too., but they still cant be called comparable in quality to a Mercedes ..... :monkey1
I dunno. I don't see anything new here that wasn't already covered in the Unleashed line, is all I'm saying. Better sculpt and more breakable, maybe. But I don't mean to crap on anyone's parade... I was just agreeing with what BadMoon said above. :monkey3
Saturn makes cool looking cars now too., but they still cant be called comparable in quality to a Mercedes ..... :monkey1

I understand what your saying and don't get me wrond Sideshow's qualty far exceeds the unleashed line. Now when you look at the $190.00 price difference that's when things start to look foggy to me.
I understand what your saying and don't get me wrong Sideshow's quality far exceeds the unleashed line. Now when you look at the $190.00 price difference that's when things start to look foggy to me.

You and that dry humor.