As pics show there is a light switch that controls the light, it only switches on when its constantly pressed.
We have sourced a switch so you can click the light on and off as a normal light switch BUT its a little too big and does not look right on the light box so we decided to keep the original light switch as a dummy and locate a 'on off' switch on the back of the base.
A bit off topic!
As Woody Inc. is a personal friend as well as a OSB partner along with Sick8oy:Custom
I went along to his place of work and I was like wow!!
Some Bat Sigs waiting to be made!
The machinery he has to work with are very cool, took a few pics but most I cant show as he's working on a few secret projects with Sick8oy!!
This I can show, not only Woody works with wood! he also is great with other materials - if you like Freddy...