Nice one riblets, it's the first actual statue I own. I pray they start moving into other game licenses.
Just put a review on youtube. Check it out dudes! Well, it's uploading right now so give it a minute or two.
Awesome review, Riblets - love the background music!!!!
Isn't that for SDCC attendees?
Please note that shipping charges(Worldwide) for the Exclusives will be billed within a separate transaction if necessary. We have just received more RPTs and the first wave of BHN all due to ship this week(BBTS among others will receive they're total orders). SDCC Exclusives will be prepared and ready to ship to those who are not attending the show right after SDCC2013 ends.
Headsup. It looks like toymunkey is offering a small portion of the RPT and Nurse SDCC exclusives on their website.