Omg I was watching the playable stuff on youtube and the jump scare scared the crap out of me.... I feel stupid because it shouldn't have scared me but It really did
At night with the lights out and sound up, its pretty intense!
Omg I was watching the playable stuff on youtube and the jump scare scared the crap out of me.... I feel stupid because it shouldn't have scared me but It really did
I'm probably the only girl who can't stand Norman Reedus, he's overhyped and he always plays the same character scruffy, and with hair in his face like a dog.
Not sure if it's been mentioned by Kojima confirmed it will be 3rd person.
Because even if the game is 1st person, if its story oriented, the cinematics are usually in 3rd person so you can see the characters.
I personally hope this would be 3rd person cause I'm not a fan of 1st person games.
Now, that might change once 3d goggles are fully implemented in games.
But until its just a normal game, I like seeing the characters all the time.
I'm probably the only girl who can't stand Norman Reedus, he's overhyped and he always plays the same character scruffy, and with hair in his face like a dog.
What I think is funny is when people will hate on him just because of the fangirls that are obsessed with him.
I bet if he wasn't that big with women people would give him more of a pass. The hype he gets is probably why some people are so harsh on him (Not saying anyone in here)
Eh nope, sorry. As someone who's looked into the game design development of SH2 and how they formatted the levels to purposely wear down the player (which in this case, IT IS part of the gameplay mechanics), I would have to greatly disagree with this notion. I'm not talking about the interactivity or the clumsy combat (something that SH was never ever good at until Shattered Memories or Downpour respectively), I'm talking about the game design, mapping of the levels and how it all factors the player's psychology with the labyrinthine structure of the levels or the mind-draining repetitiveness of the layout of the streets/apartments almost like a maze. SH1 and SH3 weren't that great in the story and themes department (B-horror cult plot anyone?) and yet even they got the game design part down which was essentially what made them such great games.
the problem is how AMC turned Rick into a crazy sissy. nothing to do with Daryl. he became the badass because Rick wouldn't, simple as that
Not sure if it's been mentioned by Kojima confirmed it will be 3rd person.
Not sure if it's been mentioned by Kojima confirmed it will be 3rd person.