SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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That is a ****ing fantastic Indy, Neehar. :rock Congrats on reaching a 'rest stop' (because we all know Indy is never really finished). :)
Ok my first SilentSurfer paint up - also dont have a nice cam like you guys so pics though big arent that sharp, sorry.

The Certificate

The Sculpt

The eye work is AMAZING... these are the best painted eyes I have ever come across!

Now the sculpt on the HT body (trying to mimic Chris Reeve's Iconic Pose as shown on the PC monitor)
Wow Ankit, that is really something else...tempting me to track down a Sosa sculpt now! :drool Major congrats, bud.
Ok my first SilentSurfer paint up - also dont have a nice cam like you guys so pics though big arent that sharp, sorry.

The Certificate

Now the sculpt on the HT body (trying to mimic Chris Reeve's Iconic Pose as shown on the PC monitor)

Congrats, Ankit!

I hope you're loving your first piece by Nathan as I'm sure you are! Now you can see that it's very much worth the price and wait for his work! Your figure looks amazing with the Sosa sculpt! Wow! Looks so much like the reference pic on your monitor! Amazing amazing amazing..! Congrats! :clap
Wow Ankit, that is really something else...tempting me to track down a Sosa sculpt now! :drool Major congrats, bud.

Congratulations Ankit! Another masterpiece from Nathan.

Congrats on getting Paintwork from the Best!

Congrats, Ankit! I hope you're loving your first piece by Nathan as I'm sure you are! Now you can see that it's very much worth the price and wait for his work! Your figure looks amazing with the Sosa sculpt! Wow! Looks so much like the reference pic on your monitor! Amazing amazing amazing..! Congrats! :clap
Thanks Guys! Major props for main man Nathan for graciously agreeing to paint it! I had lurked on this thread ever since joining, and always hoped to have one of his paint ups! So glad it finally happed :)

Props to rishi too whose Sosa sculpt paint up by Nathan was one of the major impetus' for me to finally give in! and Dane who was so cooperative and generous to send Nathan one of his Superman fists (one of which got lost in transitt :slap ) as a paintup skin tone reference...

and ofcourse Igor at SilentSurfer's lab... her organisation and professional handling and communication is by far one of the best Ive ever experienced!

All of you guys and the other guys in the thread whose paintups kept on egging me to have one for myself have my thanks! :)

[/oscar speech]
I need to sadly let go of my Trevor Marty Head :monkey2

This was the first Marty that Nathan painted. A prototype, if you want to call it.

PM me for details.






Ok my first SilentSurfer paint up - also dont have a nice cam like you guys so pics though big arent that sharp, sorry.

Now the sculpt on the HT body (trying to mimic Chris Reeve's Iconic Pose as shown on the PC monitor)

Wow the only thing wrong with the figure is he needs a bigger sock to match reeve :monkey1
Some more pics and better pics (same crappy camera so not as sharp focused as your SLR flaunting pros)







Thank You Nathan!
Hey Nathan your custom are looking better and better you paint apps are so good you never know if one day one of your customs will become a real person but anyway maybe one day when your not busy with customs maybe you could make me a custom I'm sorry for posting this since it is off topic but I know you have a lot of Pms.
Keep up the good work.
Ankit, man, that looks amazing! Nice mod idea on the neck to get it to finally fit perfectly. :clap

I'm sorry for posting this since it is off topic but I know you have a lot of Pms.
Keep up the good work.

Not off topic at all. Custom work is what I do here. I am pretty booked up though, so I'm not taking on new clients at the moment. The ones I have already are keeping me too busy as it is, but I appreciate them greatly for it.:1-1:
By the way Nathan this is Scarpredatorfan123 the guy who was aggervating the crap out of you and got off topic to much and kept reapeatidly doing it but now I just wanna say sorry and I hope you can forgive me bro, im not going to do that anymore. I hope we can be kool now and I can be rewelcomed into your thread.:D
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