I love's Marf's Don. I also have the Kato suit. Let's see what mine looks like when I get my sculpt back from Nathan.
amazing job mate!!
Thanks for the beautiful paint Nathan!!! Here's my finished Ice Truck Killer. I'll be sending you a WGP Rick Grimes and Daryl soon. I'll email Igor.
We think we know so much as we attempt to figure out this tiny box we call our universe while God looks into the box He made from the outside.
Well that settles it! Here is my friends Ex he sent me to repaint.
It says about our times that the Bible is accurate in its predictions of the end times. Good will be seen as evil, and man will praise evil as good. We're living it right now.
How did God know to inspire the writers of the Bible to proclaim it? Cause He exists both in and out of linear time. To Him our future is also the past. He's already watched it happen. We think we know so much as we attempt to figure out this tiny box we call our universe while God looks into the box He made from the outside.
Read the Bible's accounts of the global state of the world in last days, and then pick up a newspaper. No human being could have predicted it so accurately thousands of years before the fact.
Well that settles it! Here is my friends Ex he sent me to repaint. I took the robe off and fell in love. Amazing! I have to get one now. Home run, Sideshow!
The head is removable which will provide me a great chance to see if the head can be recast as a transplant to the old PF. Can't wait to try it out.
Imagine this with my paint job on it.
Well that settles it! Here is my friends Ex he sent me to repaint. I took the robe off and fell in love. Amazing! I have to get one now. Home run, Sideshow!
The head is removable which will provide me a great chance to see if the head can be recast as a transplant to the old PF. Can't wait to try it out.
Imagine this with my paint job on it.
fantastic paint up mate - that is hot!!
but woah - where did this torrent of religious stuff come from? interesting stuff though!