Come on now son!!!
Interesting and new. Those are the projects I'm looking forward to right now.
I've done this one to death for now.
Interesting and new. Those are the projects I'm looking forward to right now.
I've done this one to death for now.
I'm ready for walking dead or supernatural ;-)
Is it going to be a standard paint up on Banner? or something crazy like a Banner turning green? I can't see many displaying a just a plain ol Bruce without doing something extra to it
I'm glad that sent to you one Dexter (another sculpt that you "barelly" painted none hehe
But all of your heartache was not for nothing. Those look MF'n incredible dude!
Your going to be seeing Walt in your dreams Nathan. I painted 8 of the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo sculpts and said never again would I take on that many of the same sculpt. I was seeing her face every time I blinked.
Let's see 50/50 with Alcohol makes Sheen and 1 part Tamiya X2 with 4 part Pledge Future makes dull. Neat.
"Painting with silentsurfer"
"Happy trees, happy trees"
And coming soon... Ninja moves with SilentSurfer
"And this is how you do the splits"
Im still waiting on Igor For an estimate.
sorry I just realize the outlook didn't send it. Now is on your inbox
Now for wedding ring sculpts, hand paint match, shoes and glasses. Will this ever end?!