Super Freak
Reg es is 1000.
This is the most rare DC pf so far. Perfect sculpt and low es.
Sinestro EX + Green Lantern EX = elite display
Reg es are usually at least double ex es.
Sinestro EX + Green Lantern custom = elite display
Sinestro EX + Green Lantern EX = elite display
fixed that for you(just kidding around btw)
I agree with the sentiment though that sinestro will tower over GL, making for an awkward display.
That is a simple solution, place GL on a riser so it looks like he is flying at him.
The custom sucks. I like the pose and all but the head sculpt is horrid. I've noticed that the critics of the GL PF do not own him. If they did, they would see how great the GL PF is.
I've noticed that the critics of the GL PF do not own him. If they did, they would see how great the GL PF is.
He looks great !
I want him , any idea how much the Ex will be in the after market?
He looks great !
I want him , any idea how much the Ex will be in the after market?