Sith Lightning Please!!!

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Demi G0D Overseer
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Ok guys this is the thread to beg Sideshow for some Sith lightning. Please please please put Sith lighning in the box. By that I mean in the Palpatine 2 pack. It is a must!

If it was sold I'd consider getting it. Especially if we had a ROTS Yoda coming as well.
The best thing would probobly be a sith lighting expansion pack. A pair of handfs with lightning comming from the fingers would be fantastic. And that way, you could use them with Dooku, and with the ROTJ emperor later on down the line too :)
Grease lightning is much better than Sith Lightning.....

I feel the same way about that movie, as George Lucas does about The Star Wars Holiday Special

"Given enough time and money, I'd find every copy of it that I could and smash it with a hammer"
In a PF where it can light up and look awesome, YES.

In a 12" where it will look cheap and crappy, NO.
I don't think it would look cheap or crappy if Sideshow was behind it. There are a number of things in the Star Wars universe that will never look completely great and real. For example the lightsabers don't look real or perfect but they get the job done alright enough.

Also keep in mind if you say no to sith lighting now your saying no to sith lighting in the future. No ROTJ Emperor with sith lighting, come on who would really stand for that.

I say please Sideshow develop some and add it to the figure, these figures will always be lacking and incomplete without a good pair of lightning blasts in my opinion.:emperor:emperor:emperor
...Also keep in mind if you say no to sith lighting now your saying no to sith lighting in the future. No ROTJ Emperor with sith lighting, come on who would really stand for that....

YEs, I would stand for that. You see, my ROTJ Palps will be sitting. In his THRONE. Looking total bad ass!!! :emperor:emperor:emperor:emperor :D
I am sure there could be a way to pull off Sith lightning and make it work. At least enough for those who want it, blue plastic lightning though it will be. :lol

I would probably order it, cancel it and later order it again with rewards points... just like I did with the Probe Droids... I'm a weak bastard. :monkey2
Or he could look bad ass like this:

It would be nice to have the possibility of both bad assness, wouldn't you agree :)
Methinks he did what I plan to do, which is cannibalize it from the Unleashed Palpatine figure... this figure even has another set of hands so it can still be displayed as well.

The question is, can I figure out how to make it light up?