SKAAR, Son of Hulk, 1/4 scale!!!

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Skaar is here!!!! Got it from a fellow freak! Not the Ex but what ya gonna do?? For almost 350.00 less it is worth it.. I can live without the AXE... Looking at photos I like the sword better anyways... Wish I had the Hilt that went in the Scabbard though.. I think that really adds to it.

Anyways,, Awesome Piece!!
So spending some time with Skaar I can honestly say that this is IMO one of SSC top 5 produces statues.... Mind you I am not saying it's my fav.. I am just going by sculpt, pose, and style.

The pose is dynamic and fits the character... It's one of the more original poses that SSC has ever used.. I would put him up there with the Spider-man Comiquette in the Best Art Direction department.. Simply perfect as far as the character goes..

Now I like other statues I own more... because I like the characters better... But I know brilliance when I see it.. I always thought he looked great but held off getting him because 1. He is not a fav character of mine and 2. I was not working when he first came out (full time Dad). But I always have been impressed. Now that I have him I really started to notice just how great and original and refreshing the pose is. Add that post to an amazing sculpt and some bad ass weapons and you have a classic.

Bravo SS.
IMO, it's truly one of the best pieces SSC has ever released. A phenomenal statue that was perfectly executed. This is a fantastic PF in every way.
Very late to the game but here is pic of mine that I got last week.

Skaars axe goes nicely with his dad's axe. Just saying. It is a well made statue, they are not all made like him. I wonder what goes into the company's decision on whether to make it quality, like skaar. Or skimp on quality like some of the others.
Skaars axe goes nicely with his dad's axe. Just saying. It is a well made statue, they are not all made like him. I wonder what goes into the company's decision on whether to make it quality, like skaar. Or skimp on quality like some of the others.

I would have liked to get the EX but I was able to get the Reg for much less $$$

Even so I would still display with Sword.. But I still wish I had the extra hilt that went in the scabbard.
I would have liked to get the EX but I was able to get the Reg for much less $$$

Even so I would still display with Sword.. But I still wish I had the extra hilt that went in the scabbard.

His axe was awesome and worth the extra money. I sold my skaar for what I paid for him at 600.00 about 2 years ago. I didn't like the character at all and there were no good hulks I liked. Space was also getting tight. Now with GH I'm very happy with that beast. He was a great heavy statue for sure. Sculpt was great. I did have a hard time displaying these super heavy statues worrying they may fall. So I'm ok with the hollow bases now. Just not happy about the prices from getting less. Lol
I have never appreciated my Skaar until I got the Red Hulk PF. I like the Red Hulk sculpt but the paint isn't near as great as the Skaar. I'm glad I never ended up selling him.

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I have never appreciated my Skaar until I got the Red Hulk PF. I like the Red Hulk sculpt but the paint isn't near as great as the Skaar. I'm glad I never ended up selling him.

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Is red hulk the same size as skaar? Or is he gladiator hulk size?
He's really big. You see it more from the side. I'll try taking a pic of them together

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I know im late to the party but better late then never :)

I finally have Skaar in my collection.

Here is my Video Review:




GG, if your video convinces me to buy this, can I send you the bill??? :lol j/k

Awesome video and congrats.