Please don't start the nagging already. Realistically, with the amount of work involved (100% custom - no kitbashing), I don't even see this being ready at the very least until Summer (which is why I was surprised to see Buttmunch bail). Ski needs to clear his plate of all the commissions he's finishing before even starting this as it's a monster of a custom (no pun intended) and will require as much attention, if not more, than Nemesis Enforcer. I'd say, if you cant understand or respect that, then I'm more than certain Ski won't be troubled vacating your spot on the list for someone who can. As it stands now, only one of us should be asking for "progress reports" and if you didn't join in August of '08 and have 21k+ posts, 10 infractions and more bans than Shai, chances are, it's not you.