Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding [Aragon #5680, Keith #5703
Mr. Ski I initally saw these via Cell phone. Suffice it to say I was not prepared for what I saw when I signed on to the Board...The paint apps are incredible. Its as close a likeness as one could get with out doing an entire custom sculpt. He Loved It when I showed him the pic's. This was well worth the wait. Now I want one of me... :0). Oh and for my friends here on the Board a lil info. The head sculpt is of Anderson Silva The UFC round 5 figure. They are lil guys but the heads though they vary in size are 1:6 They can be modded to fit most bodies.. This one is going on an ACI AA muscular fig. But I was able to get one to fit the TTM19 too. So if you thought about using one of these, grab a few get your dremel and go to work.. Thanks again Mr. Ski.. PM comming. When time permits Mr. lol I have two more projects that require your skill.
I cant thank you enough... Awsome Job ma'man. I owe ya one.