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Well I have painted up the body for Rogue. I used some pros-aide Cbob sent me. I have got to put some translucent foundation on to stop it from being to tacky and to dull it down a wee dram.

Also been playing with my head...

I am using a cast of clubber lang (great sculpt)

The first cast I did in resin and just painted it to see if I liked it and then cast it in plaster and worked into it to remove the chops and beardie.......

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Damn Mark!! That is your smurfiest work yet my friend!!:lol
K guys i need a new PC so i have to sell some bits and thought i'd see if anyone was interested on here 1st, and i will post a FS thread and follow the proper forum rules for selling so feedback can be left. Also i'd like to sell in the EU preferably but may be persuaded otherwise. They are all on the original Sideshow bodies except for Boss who is on a hot toys slim TT.

Im selling the following and prices include postage for the UK, everywhere else would be extra. Im also open to offers and discounts will be applied for multibuys. All figures are loose, only have 1 weapon but i have extra hands.

Gree £85 (Sold)
501st Airborne trooper £69 (Pending)
Thire £75 (Pending)
Neyo £85 (Pending)
Bacara £85 (Pending)
Republic commando Boss £90



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Geez, it's been such a long time!

Hello Dorgs (and everyone else too), just thought I'd poke my head in and say I am still around... sort of...

Life's been busy, and still is, so my 1/6 life is unfortunately entirely on hold at the moment... :( But I hope to get back to working on some stuff in a couple weeks when the seas have calmed.

I must have missed a lot, I can't believe you're selling all your goodies C-Bob! :horror What a shame... At least it's for a good cause.

And Dorgs, very nice work on WWII Logan and your Beautifully Built Bionicle Ball-Jointed Battledroid! :clap
Damn, that Rogue looks really great ! Why do you keep making things that I don't have money for ? :lol

This is a figure that I'd love to make,beeen a must have since I was knee high to a grasshopper but money's tight at the moment ( I'd love to trade out some stuff for parts but the bodies are hard to come by at a decent price) but I'm looking forward to seeing yours finished too Mark , I wondered how the Wolverine body would look if painted blue.

Cbob I can't wait to see what you do with Johnny Alpha.
Geez, it's been such a long time!

Hello Dorgs (and everyone else too), just thought I'd poke my head in and say I am still around... sort of...

Life's been busy, and still is, so my 1/6 life is unfortunately entirely on hold at the moment... :( But I hope to get back to working on some stuff in a couple weeks when the seas have calmed.

I must have missed a lot, I can't believe you're selling all your goodies C-Bob! :horror What a shame... At least it's for a good cause.

And Dorgs, very nice work on WWII Logan and your Beautifully Built Bionicle Ball-Jointed Battledroid! :clap

Yeah my other hobby is playing MMO's and online games. My PC has been updated as much as it can be so i need a new 1.

Damn it CrimsonBob! Wish you would have put these guys up before Christmas, I would have bought them all!!!!

Well i'll leave em on here for a week before i go to the main FS boards, and i will do discounts for you guys anyway, and even more so if you buy more than 1 :peace

Damn, that Rogue looks really great ! Why do you keep making things that I don't have money for ? :lol

This is a figure that I'd love to make,beeen a must have since I was knee high to a grasshopper but money's tight at the moment ( I'd love to trade out some stuff for parts but the bodies are hard to come by at a decent price) but I'm looking forward to seeing yours finished too Mark , I wondered how the Wolverine body would look if painted blue.

Cbob I can't wait to see what you do with Johnny Alpha.

Well Johnny is gonna take a long time as its a complete scratch sculpt/build but i'll give it my best :peace
If anyone is interested I have a EX loose Utapau Clone ( $75 USD) and two boxed 41st Coruscant Clones ( $80 USD) each, shipping depends on where you are. I am willing to give any of the guys from here a deal as well. Just PM if interested.
Right gals time for some dollie action me thinks... all around the forum things seem to be going pear shaped and ****s up folks having accidents and being ill and my thoughts go out to each and every one of you that has not had the best of times lately... So I feel it is my duty to get off my ageing hairy, not so pert as it used to be and get on with some dollies. There are some great custom stuff going on at the mo and in the coming few months I am gonna do my total bestest to get as many updates and photoshoots done as possible....

So number one to get cracking with is the WWII Wolverine... Well he is nearly there. I swapped the very cool body to a regular TT as I thought it was a wee wast as you could not see the bod under the clothes and the arm articulation is not as good. I think he looks ok. He is not screen accurate as the helm needs the insignia taking off and some netting. The colour of the jacket is not right and Cbob has sent me a little insignia for the arm....

But the thing that I really want to sort most is the gaiters.... The ones I have are so slack and I want tighter and slightly higher ones.

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Right next up is Rogue Trooper... Cbob (love him) made be the base of a Gunner, helm, bagman and some legbags.

Fingers crossed I will be able to make a mould of the head this week but I am using the temporary MrT at the mo....

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Logan was on a Prince of P or a Royce bod before... great bods!!!

I have some boots with gaiters moulded on them... I will try those and see if they are ok... but I really wanted cloth ones..
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last few shots before I get some sleep... Cbob is the god of Milliput in my eyes!!!

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God of milliputt i wish lol, anyway he's looking great m8 love the buttons on the bags very niiice as is the headsculpt and all of it infact :clap

Mines finished except for gunnar still needs a strap, i'll post it up tomorrow or something :peace

logan looks frickin awesome :rock