Super Freak
Sorry I missed you AF, along with the entire Florida crew...
Although I really thought I spotted you at the airport today.
Although I really thought I spotted you at the airport today.
Sorry I missed you AF, along with the entire Florida crew...
Although I really thought I spotted you at the airport today.
what scale is this going to be in?
It definetly was an impressive piece in person. SS has so much good stuff coming out.
There are 2 detractors to this piece for me:
1) The dwarf takes away from the awesomeness, just like Gandalf did with the GTG vs Balrog
2) He looks too close to the Cave Troll pose. Had they chosen a different pose (ie, Battle Troll of Mordor was a unique pose), then I can see where it would look unique. As it stands, it's nothing but a copycat of something we know is awesome.
Now . . .I can certainly see where this appeals to those who don't have the Cave troll yet. And for those people, this will work nicely.
Yes, In person the Troll are amazing , but the dwarf...That dwarfs pose looks too comical, or cartoonish.