How about those people that react to Lando's announcement in the Empire Strikes Back Special Edition, or that fat chick that was dancing in Jabbas's palace, or that rebel trooper that was in the cockpit of the millennium falcon when Lando was attacking death star in Return of the Jedi, or that black Naboo pilot from the end of Phantom Menace who notices a ship flying out of the Neimoidians before it blows up, the captain of the ship that gets blown up at the beginning of Phantom Menace, or that old lady that tells Annie a storm's coming, the female tusken raider with child in Attack of the Clones,the robot waitress from Attack of the Clones that fat jedi that got shot ant the end of Attack of the clones, the pilot of Bail Organa's ship in revenge of the Sith, that little kid that asks Anakin what are they gonna do before he kills him, that jedi Anakin fights in the hologram that Obi-wan sees with yoda, that little droid Anakin stands on during his fight with Obi-Wan on the lava planet, the skeletal remains of uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, those tall female twins that were at the bar in A New Hope, the storm trooper that bangs his head on the door a New Hope, that rebel pilot that questions the targeting skills of a computer next to Luke in A New Hope, Porkins, Cliff Claven in Hoth Gear, Dack, the doomed snowspeeder pilot from Empire Stikes Back. Those three guys that meet with the emporer after Vader talks to him in Return of the Jedi. and lastly, that imperial officer that says, "you rebel scum" from Retun of the Jedi."