You know. I would DEFINITELY buy a Willrow Hood. There I said it.
You know. I would DEFINITELY buy a Willrow Hood. There I said it.
Marc, I was with ya on Jar Jar, I was there for the ewoks... but Hood..? REALLY? Next you'll be saying Tom Baker was a rubbish Doctor.
Figures not to be made....Jar-Jar, TC-14, Shmi, Sio Bibble, Naboo Pilots, Watto, young Owen & Beru, Lucas's kids, Ep I Yoda, Neimoidian guards, Willrow Hood, Jan Dodonna, Ewok village Leia, Imperial Scanning Trooper, Po Nudo, Lando in smuggler gear, Darktrooper, Spacetrooper........etc.
A lot of what is great for the 3 3/4" line is just too much for this scale & price.
Some of the Hasbro 12" still work fairly well and only need some paint to make them better.
I don't have any interest in any of the female Jedis. I just didn't find any of their designs interesting.
I think a Hoth Luke or an X-Wing Luke would be anything but boring.
Figures not to be made....Jar-Jar, TC-14, Shmi, Sio Bibble, Naboo Pilots, Watto, young Owen & Beru, Lucas's kids, Ep I Yoda, Neimoidian guards, Willrow Hood, Jan Dodonna, Ewok village Leia, Imperial Scanning Trooper, Po Nudo, Lando in smuggler gear, Darktrooper, Spacetrooper........etc.
A lot of what is great for the 3 3/4" line is just too much for this scale & price.
Some of the Hasbro 12" still work fairly well and only need some paint to make them better.
I think I pretty much agree with all those... except maybe Lando, as long as we get one Lando thats good enough.
We don't need a thousand variations of clone troopers.
We don't need a thousand variations of clone troopers.
You're a brave man Amir. I'm sure there are many staring daggers at your post right about now.
Kind of ironic that people don't want five Lukes but will buy twenty clones that are all identical except for the paint on the armor.
Funny I thought Star Wars was about the Jedi, Luke, etc...and the not the about Clone Troopers and Stormies.
Actually, the clones are pretty good shots and took out Jedi. It's the OT Stormtroopers that couldn't hit a barn with an elephant and got punked by little teddy bears.because troopers are cooler than Luke. Luke is a whinning farm boy. The troopers, though cant shot anything, still looked better than a half ass jedi.
We don't need a thousand variations of clone troopers.