Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

You could have stopped typing right there and you would be 100% correct.

Nothing will stop internet nerds from raging on SW and anything it’s does ever again.....

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Who's the more pathetic? The nerds who complain about backasswards filmmaking or the apologist nerds who gush over whatever crumbs they can get?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Who's the more pathetic? The nerds who complain about backasswards filmmaking or the apologist nerds who gush over whatever crumbs they can get?

Option three: the ones who get their noses bent out of shape by either of the two you mentioned. Definitely option three is the most pathetic.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I mean they introduce interesting ideas that aren't safe, but then in the latter half of the film they go back on them and in the end just return to safe ideas.

For example, look at what they were doing with Rey and Kylo, and Luke to an extent. They were introducing a compelling idea in a grey area of light and dark. They toy with the idea of Rey and Kylo joining together to bring the light and dark into one. This is something we haven't seen before and is new.

However, they end up essentially going back on this and returning to light side vs dark side once again, with even Luke himself deciding to be good again. Kylo and Rey are once again in opposition and that grey aspect is ignored. Why introduce something like this when you aren't going to follow through with it?

What I've been saying is that Disney showed some new more risky storypathes, but got cold feet and returned to the dull plotline we have seen countless times.

This is EXACTLY my issue with the movie. You nailed it perfectly. Either **** or get off the pot.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

All that Gray Jedi nonsense was alluded to and hinted at about as much as Snoke being Rey’s vampire lover from another life. That is to say, not at all.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

For TLJ the Disney Kennedy Agenda defeated the force...they betrayed and murdered star wars....all I know Solo the pirate better screw in this film...Disney wants to make him a girl scout....we will mm....some on this forum deep down already love this film simply because it says star wars on it
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Nothing will stop internet nerds from raging on SW and anything it’s does ever again.....

And nothing will stop internet nerds from grovelling at the feet of Star Wars and defending and buying into anything with that brand logo slapped onto it.

After all the oddities of TLJ (milking, flying in space, Porgs, island frog aliens, force projection, etc), I'm convinced that you could have a minute to two minute scene of some kind of Star Warsesque alien taking a massive, stinking, ogre **** on screen while it flipped off the audience in a Star Wars film, and not only would there be a subsect of this fan base that would love it and defend it as "making sense", they'd want to buy a ****ing licensed toy of that "character" and it's shiny toy turd too.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

And nothing will stop internet nerds from grovelling at the feet of Star Wars and defending and buying into anything with that brand logo slapped onto it.

After all the oddities of TLJ (milking, flying in space, Porgs, island frog aliens, force projection, etc), I'm convinced that you could have a minute to two minute scene of some kind of Star Warsesque alien taking a massive, stinking, ogre **** on screen while it flipped off the audience in a Star Wars film, and not only would there be a subsect of this fan base that would love it and defend it as "making sense", they'd want to buy a ****ing licensed toy of that "character" and a toy turd of it too.
Bingorama!!!....they love Star Wars golden showers
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

For TLJ the Disney Kennedy Agenda defeated the force...they betrayed and murdered star wars....all I know Solo the pirate better screw in this film...Disney wants to make him a girl scout....we will mm....some on this forum deep down already love this film simply because it says star wars on it

Probably Opie-ize him since Ron is directing:lol

Yeah he won't be bedding any women in this version you can believe that
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Probably Opie-ize him since Ron is directing:lol

Yeah he won't be bedding any women in this version you can believe that

We just had a Star Wars film almost explicitly portray "toxic masculinity" with every single male character, and now we're getting a Solo movie? Han Solo epitomizes everything that feminism hates. He's violent, he cheats and steals for a living, he's self-reliant and he's a womanizer. He's the antithesis of Rian Johnson. So how is Kathleen Kennedy going to allow for any semblance of a Han Solo film without portraying Han in a negative light?

The fallout from this film is going to be hilarious.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Han Solo epitomizes everything that feminism hates. He's violent, he cheats and steals for a living, he's self-reliant and he's a womanizer. He's the antithesis of Rian Johnson. So how is Kathleen Kennedy going to allow for any semblance of a Han Solo film without portraying Han in a negative light?

Enter Emilia Clarke as... Hana Sola.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

We just had a Star Wars film almost explicitly portray "toxic masculinity" with every single male character, and now we're getting a Solo movie? Han Solo epitomizes everything that feminism hates. He's violent, he cheats and steals for a living, he's self-reliant and he's a womanizer. He's the antithesis of Rian Johnson. So how is Kathleen Kennedy going to allow for any semblance of a Han Solo film without portraying Han in a negative light?

The fallout from this film is going to be hilarious.

Yeah he will be very generic funny rogue but with no explanation why he is a rogue- and he won't shoot any aliens and hurt them
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Emilia Clarke as...
Whitewashed Sana.

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

We wuz Han Solo's wife n' ****?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Someone said that girl was lying in the comics after all.

In any event, Sana likely comes after Hana in the timeline.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I wasn't planning on seeing this but......

Solo: A Star Wars Story is due for release in May and fans are continuing to wait for the first teaser trailer.

According to fans on Reddit, a sneak peek was shown at a Disney event in Munich yesterday - with great results.

Twitter user @yeahclarke shared screenshots of Facebook user Holger Frick, saying: “I just saw a Sneak Peak (EPK reel) of SOLO - A Star Wars Story and I must say I'm really really overwhelmed of how freaggin good it looks! (nothing about the story yet).

“Alden Ehrenreich is amazing as Han Solo, and so is Donald Glover as Lando, Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson look awesome and it definitely had an ‘old’ Star Wars Feel to it!!”

Some of the more fervent Star Wars fans were disappointed by Episode 8: The Last Jedi and its apparent change in tone and direction - but it seems Solo may well be the film to make up for it.

“Looks like this could be the `fan-service-movie` some of the older Star Wars fans wanted from Episode VIII ;-),” Frick added.

“Can't wait for an official trailer and it's only 4 months (!!) to release! OMG!!”

A teaser trailer is still pending, but is expected imminently.

More at:

Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I'm convinced that you could have a minute to two minute scene of some kind of Star Warsesque alien taking a massive, stinking, ogre **** on screen while it flipped off the audience in a Star Wars film
Man. . .what a great way to defy expectations! Rian Johnson missed a golden opportunity not running with this idea.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

And nothing will stop internet nerds from grovelling at the feet of Star Wars and defending and buying into anything with that brand logo slapped onto it.

After all the oddities of TLJ (milking, flying in space, Porgs, island frog aliens, force projection, etc), I'm convinced that you could have a minute to two minute scene of some kind of Star Warsesque alien taking a massive, stinking, ogre **** on screen while it flipped off the audience in a Star Wars film, and not only would there be a subsect of this fan base that would love it and defend it as "making sense", they'd want to buy a ****ing licensed toy of that "character" and it's shiny toy turd too.

Option three: the ones who get their noses bent out of shape by either of the two you mentioned. Definitely option three is the most pathetic.

Who's the more pathetic? The nerds who complain about backasswards filmmaking or the apologist nerds who gush over whatever crumbs they can get?

I agree.....

With all of it...

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