Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Ron Howard retweets fan review with insult of Rian Johnson.

Unpopular opinion: #SoloAStarWarsStory was downright fantastic and instantly became my third favorite Star Wars film and gave me a healthy heaping of sweet goodness after the pile of burnt poop that Last Jedi was.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It's OK, you and crows keep Adblock Plus in business. :lol reasonable.

Just step away from your Lego hostage.

You have been known to disagree with the forum before. Yours could become an important voice in the new order, second only to my own! I offer you a chance for greatness, Chakor-El! Take it! Join us!
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I have everything of yours on Adblock. :lol


okay bro you just confirmed what raveneye said, you dont like the ladies....

no one blocks Kat Dennings.... NO ONE.... NOT ONE.........................................
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It's too bad that this is the film that did it but I am glad that Kennedy got the spanking she deserves. This film deserves better though.

It absolutely does. I feel that most people who have decided to boycott this are doing themselves and the talented people that made Solo a disservice. Most Star Wars fans would find what they're looking for in Solo that was missing (for them) from TLJ.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)


okay bro you just confirmed what raveneye said, you dont like the ladies....

no one blocks Kat Dennings.... NO ONE.... NOT ONE.........................................

Kat Dennings is fine - I just don't find women pretty in burger joint outfits as it makes them look very low-class IMO.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It absolutely does. I feel that most people who have decided to boycott this are doing themselves and the talented people that made Solo a disservice. Most Star Wars fans would find what they're looking for in Solo that was missing (for them) from TLJ.

A lot of people's opinions of the film may turn during home viewing. Just going by the reviews I've seen. "Just don't think and you may enjoy it". Some people notice things others don't upon first viewing.

Besides that, is anyone going to complain if KK is replaced? Solo may be decent but what about future films if she's still there?
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Had Q’ira not come out and thrown the thermal detonator at the Kessel soldiers they would all be dead Han was even on his ass at that time. At least she can handle a thermal detonator Han only had a stupid rock to throw at the centipede lady.

Had L3 brain not provided the coordinates for the Kessell short cut they would all be dead.

Had Q’ira not killed Dryden Han would be dead.

Women definately saved the day lol

L3 didn't care for anyone but herself and Lando.
She died doin' stupid thing for stupid reasons.
The riot only helped the Falcon crew, while the rest would either get captured or killed by the Empire.
15 years late the Empire would be destroyed and all of them could have had a chance to escape.

Qi'Ra was there to make sure the crew gets the cargo and delivers it.
She only went with them because Vos told her to.
She saved them because otherwise she would be able to deliver the cargo and get killed by Vos' men.
She helped Han because it was an oportunity to kill Vos and take his place.

So yeah, while female characters helped (which isn't anything new at all), they weren't heroic characters.

I have a better idea: maybe audiences don't need to be patronized with hacky writing in the first place. Maybe if a franchise has consistently good storytelling, dialogue, character development and design, people will throw money at you regardless as to what the protagonist looks like. Instead, the ****** who wrote this article is concerned with sustaining a business model that relies on hack writing. His answer? Race bating.

Someone remind me, why do film critics exist in the first place?
Because they're part of the business.
And because his veiw is Hollywood's view.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

You said you were disregarding it? Is this a farewell viewing?

I want to see you toss the bluray over your shoulder like Luke throws away his lightsaber.

Khevbacca would never allow that. Jye Skywalker has succumbed to the darkside. Its too late for him. He is more Sequel Trilogy than original trilogy now. Twisted and evil. Remember his sacrifice to Kennucas boy's and girls.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)


Yeah, no.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

:lol :lol

It's like all you needed was a decent SW film to see that. I don't know why RO was not the antidote but I am happy it has finally happened :) ;) ;) ;)

Maybe you don't remember but after RO came out I actually let go of TFA as being canon since the sacrifices in RO made me want there to be an ultimate victory/pay-off which ROTJ provided but that was undone by the ST. But then TLJ came out which I greatly enjoyed as both a film and as a "passing of the torch" fan experience with my kids.

Since I respected the risks that that film took (even so much as believing that the risks mostly paid off) and loved Hamill's performance combined with his epic send-off in front of the entire First Order (complete with his touching reunions with R2 and Yoda) I allowed the ST to be canon again. But with the three main OT heroes being forever done I also acknowledged it as a significant jumping off point for the entire Saga.

Now with Solo I'm pretty much "ah screw it" again and back to liking the idea of not only the efforts of the main characters in the OT not being undone by TFA/TLJ, not only the sacrifices of the RO team not being undone by TFA/TLJ but now Solo has unbelievably made me like Han's super-arc even *more* than before and seeing his past history with Qi'ra only makes me want to enjoy the notion of him living happily ever after with him defeating the Empire, crime lords, reconciling with Lando AND getting the girl even more.

But then again "always in motion is Khev's canon" so who knows how I'll feel after Episode IX. Will Abrams change my mind and make me permanently satisfied with all the decisions that went into the ST? I doubt it BUT after a recast Han Solo in a prequel that covered his sacred backstory won me over really anything is possible at this point, lol.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I have a feeling JJ will sway you, Khev. I hope he sways me.

Think about it -- with each new Star Wars of the Disney dynasty, you have re-found your Star Wars compass. Episode 9 shouldn't be any different.