He was a recalcitrant pantey waste.
Soon there will be an entire world of Star Wars that is made up of RO, Solo, Kenobi and Fett....
I’m ready for the Skywalker saga to end and I don’t think i’ll continue on with the Rey saga.
I’m content with another 10 movies from the OT era though and honestly i’m really open for reworking the PT.
I’m ready for the Skywalker saga to end and I don’t think i’ll continue on with the Rey saga.
I’m content with another 10 movies from the OT
People still like Star Wars? Time to let it die with this kind of story-telling. Not sure how you can continually ruin and leave nothing to imagination anymore.
Oops. I stand corrected.
All anyone really wanted from the get-go was more OT stories.
The Rey saga (if you can call the OT weakly recast with a gender twist and blandly replicated a "saga") was so low wattage to begin with. There are some sequences in the ST that are literal photocopies of the OT script - the entire sequence of Rey surrendering to Kylo/Snoke is a shot by shot, line by line redo of Luke surrendering to Vader/Emperor.
I think the worse part of this movie for me and it’s fans is the fact that we know the sad end of Han Solo. Even watching the OT is not the same knowing what Becomes of the original heroes.
Yeah I guess you’re right i’ll just watch political talk shows with my son instead.
Well weren’t the OT themselves just copies of swashbuckling, samurai and adventure movies and tv shows?
And i’ll say this for the millionth time.
The ST are the direct result of the PT NOT BEING SW ENOUGH!
A direct result of “Lucas raped my childhood!”
So the ST HAD TO bring back the old farts to DO SW STUFF!
The ST/Kennedy haters need to accept the fact that their hate of the PT is what gave rise to the ST.
The PT/Lucas haters gave birth to the person they hate most, Kennedy.
It’s an F U from Lucas to the PT haters lol
I’m one of the PT raped my childhood haters so I KNOW THAT I CREATED KENNEDY hence why I don’t ***** about Kennedy.
Maybe you don't remember but after RO came out I actually let go of TFA as being canon since the sacrifices in RO made me want there to be an ultimate victory/pay-off which ROTJ provided but that was undone by the ST. But then TLJ came out which I greatly enjoyed as both a film and as a "passing of the torch" fan experience with my kids.
Since I respected the risks that that film took (even so much as believing that the risks mostly paid off) and loved Hamill's performance combined with his epic send-off in front of the entire First Order (complete with his touching reunions with R2 and Yoda) I allowed the ST to be canon again. But with the three main OT heroes being forever done I also acknowledged it as a significant jumping off point for the entire Saga.
Now with Solo I'm pretty much "ah screw it" again and back to liking the idea of not only the efforts of the main characters in the OT not being undone by TFA/TLJ, not only the sacrifices of the RO team not being undone by TFA/TLJ but now Solo has unbelievably made me like Han's super-arc even *more* than before and seeing his past history with Qi'ra only makes me want to enjoy the notion of him living happily ever after with him defeating the Empire, crime lords, reconciling with Lando AND getting the girl even more.
But then again "always in motion is Khev's canon" so who knows how I'll feel after Episode IX. Will Abrams change my mind and make me permanently satisfied with all the decisions that went into the ST? I doubt it BUT after a recast Han Solo in a prequel that covered his sacred backstory won me over really anything is possible at this point, lol.
It's true. All of it.
Except the part about the OT simply being a copy of movies/TV shows - everything is pastiche, and there's really no specific film/s or show/s that directly compare to the unique combination seen in the OT. Not even close. Yes it's Kurosawa, yes it's Flash Gordon, yes it's a few Westerns and Swashbucklers iconography wise etc etc but you can't point to any one movie or show, or a couple of them, that the OT combination noticeably replicates - like the way you can compare as example the very specific genre conventions and actual storyline of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and the Western "Broken Arrow."
The OT took about 5-10% of bits (story, genre conventions, costume ideas, fantasy world attributes etc) from a wide variety of sources and put them into a highly unique recipe that has proven impervious to replication, even by Lucas himself.
To say that copying the OT the way the ST has done is the same as Lucas drawing dozens of elements from a wide and very diverse (and in some cases obscure) set of sources from the history of film and world cultural history isn't the same thing.
Please don’t bring up those lame cartoons.![]()
I have a feeling JJ will sway you, Khev. I hope he sways me.
I think maybe only Junkion has said that he doesn't really sweat any of SW's shortcomings and just enjoys it all to varying degrees. I actually do like the vibe of TPM, have a good deal of nostalgia for it (mostly because of the pre-movie hype and marketing) and find that there are some genuinely cool elements in it as well.
I’m ready for the Skywalker saga to end...
Khev, found a new profile pic for you...
All of this is so simple. KK doesn't care nor like Star Wars. Just a platform for feminism agenda and more money in her bank account. Doesn't matter if a story or the characters make sense. Just exploit it and make sure the women always win!
I need to make a list of all the movies that I don't like so I can visit the corresponding threads and reassure everyone that I still don't like them. I wouldn't want anyone to worry.
TLJ is the first SW movie that I did sweat. Came out hating it on first viewing. Couldn't believe that, after years of thinking a lot of fans put too much stock into their own expectations, I was now that guy. Then I let it simmer, saw it again, and found a lot to admire strictly as a film fan. I did some reading and listening about why RJ did the stuff he did and I could get into some of it. But eventually it all came back to the same criticisms I had with Looper - Johnsons is a "gag" guy - shocking moments or unexpected turns - but IMO at the expense of the narrative and logic. So I still have some affinity for it but if I'm being really honest I believe it is a very wrongheaded story at the most basic levels. Does that mean I hate it? No. And I still enjoy specific moments and sequences greatly. I guess me "sweating it" is relative...I don't sweat it like people who need to remind a thread that they don't like a movie. I'd always rather focus on the good stuff and enjoy the occasional jab at the shortcomings.
There is much goodness in those cartoons. FFS whenever they show a Hammerhead on Rebels they are wearing the blue Kenner unitard. What's not to love?!
Yes TLJ isn't without flaw. I loved it from the very first viewing and certain aspects (Snoke throne room, Holdo suicide, all of Hamill's scenes) still feel like top tier Saga moments and I think they always will. It's beautifully shot and acted the CGI is more often than not spectacular. I respect that Johnson tried to put story first and that he wanted to craft a SW film that truly did keep you guessing until the end. Is it the route I would have gone? No. Is it the *best* route regardless of whether I would have picked it or not? Again, no, not in my opinion anyway. But he had one hell of a hard task ahead of him and that was trying to figure out why Luke was sitting on his ass during TFA thanks to JJ Abrams.
Now I'm not particularly mad at Abrams since IMO he really did bring back the SW "magic" but I've never loved the idea of the Empire just never really going away with the destruction of the DS II and the death of the Emperor and Vader merely putting them on pause for a few decades. But I've enjoyed seeing the Big Three bring their A-game to these new films instead of sleepwalking through ROTJ (except Hamill who did a good job in ROTJ as well.) I enjoyed seeing Ford finally get his wish to die on screen and I've enjoyed watching Adam Driver giving us a better version of the character that Anakin should have been in the PT. So I guess TFA and TLJ has scratched some significant SW itches of mine and for that I'll be grateful and I know I'll continue to enjoy watching them regardless as to whether I hold onto them as canon.
But Solo and RO are truly where it's at as far as OT quality "new" SW is concerned. And I'm not even kidding that I've always held onto a certain fascination with TPM (some parts morbid, some parts genuine) and I'm beyond shocked that Solo of all films has provided an easy way to accept it back into the fold without the entire Saga being bogged down by "too much PT."