All the planets lined up perfectly against Solo.
Lets see shall we.
Kennedy (and Rian) pissing off a very large % of conservative SW fans who are riding a substantially popular post election wave with her forced feminism (ie; Mary Sue Rey, Holdo, Rose, L3)
Post election wave against giant liberal media companies including Disney and RT being grouped into fake media establishments.
TLJ plot not being what Abrams set up.
Perceived mishandling of OT character arcs.
Kennedy very poor relationship with directors and writers.
Han unceremoniously killed off
Harrison Ford constant berating of SW.
Hamill constant anti conservative comments.
Hamill constant public comments on TLJ.
Solo movie without Ford.
No one asking for a Solo movie.
Alden being hired and not that popular Youtube kid clone of Ford.
Acting coach rumors.
Hiring of poor reputation Ron Howard.
Boycott against Lucasfilm.
Lack of Jedis in Solo.
Battlefront 2 game controversy lingering.
Moving Solo from December next to DP2 and IW (seriously wtf)
No way in hell was Solo NOT going to crash and burn.
Even if only half of that list was accurate it would still be destructive.
The irony of it all, Solo was good