Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)
Crows, I mean. Not cereal killer.
Can we just ban him already?
Crows, I mean. Not cereal killer.

Can we just ban him already?
crows has become quite the spammer hasn't he...
A billion chinese people can’t be wrong.
okay prediction time
What is Episode 9 gonna open with in China? anyone?
With regard to animosity toward Kennedy or anyone at SW Celebration, eh, I've been to three Celebrations now (2010, 2012, and 2017) and there's always been a vibe of geeky excitement that has overshadowed any angst about whatever given elements of the Saga anyone might not like. Maybe TLJ hate is different but I doubt it.
As if billions of voices suddenly cried out in terror... and were suddenly silenced. I fear "Solo" has opened.
Now that KK is 100% done (Iger is watching Grace’s video right now and getting the sword out) who would you like to see replace her?
Is it bad enough that Iger will ask Lucas to take over?
Honestly, I would totally bring back Lucas as the official story consultant. Have him be the head idea man with more talented writer and filmmakers running with his ideas. Say what you will about the PTs, the brilliant way Lucas had the Republic fall and become the Empire was great. Even Anakins fall had a good idea behind it, it just wasn't very well executed.
Bringing Lucas back was the thing my brother who is now "done with SW" since premiere night of TLJ told me on the car ride home. It would definitely be an olive branch to older fans turned off by Disney.
"Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Kennedy's home address, I have chosen to test this fandom's destructive boycott on your home prequel of Solo."
"No! Solo is good. It has no Force Projections, no casinos. You can't possibly–"
"You would prefer another target? A military target?! Then name the address! I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where does Kennedy live?"
My Lord, there are so many uncharted producers. It could be gaffers, it could be
He's definitely a great idea man. The most brilliant thing he ever did with the PT was the way he came up for a way for Owen to really be his (half) uncle.
And George's presence isn't 100% absent from the filmmaking process of Solo. Ron Howard said that George came to the set one day that they were filming some interior Falcon scenes with Han and Ron was shooting a certain scene a number of ways (he won't say which scene) and George said "well why don't you just have Han do this" and Ron immediately took his advice and had Han do whatever George suggested. For whatever reason Ron won't divulge the suggestion George made but apparently it made it into the finished film.
My Lord, there are so many uncharted producers. It could be gaffers, it could be