Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)
(still waiting on 3D)

(still waiting on 3D)
Kennedy should have just sold Solo to netflix![]()
"My lord we've detected a 2 billion dollar profit around the 18th movie in the MCU. It's strong enough to deflect any audiences to Solo."
"Kathleen Kennedy released Solo too close to IW."
"She felt surprise was wiser--"
"She is as clumsy as she is stupid. Filoni, prepare the OT for a 4K release."
"My lord."
but im replying to jye. which has posted right after me, so we post right after each other. so if im a spammer because i reply to his jokes then what is jye then? since he was the one that brings up this stuff i reply to?
maybe i should just answer to jye in Private messaging then, since these joke conversations are always between him and me lol
you hear that jye
Im gonna have to stop replying to you! you are such a bad influence....
my prediction is that either NO ONE says anytihng to Kennedy at celebration because anyone that goes to that is a hardcore fan and they all cheered for all the movies and i doubt any of them hated last jedi
So Kennedy showing up is no big deal at all
A couple of guys in the audience will start booing and the rest of the 90% of fans will quiet them down with clapping or will start chanting her name or something.
'or those guys will be asked to leave by everyone else
I seriously seriously seriously doubt that fans will say anything at all, or not cheer when she comes out]
superfans that go to star wars weekens at disney are okay with this kind of cringe... ... i mean come on....Chewbacca twerking to Dubstep while everyone cheers and claps?...... lol
Kennedy has nothing to worry about. star wars hardcore fans are very forgiving
"Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Kennedy's home address, I have chosen to test this fandom's destructive boycott on your home prequel of Solo."
"No! Solo is good. It has no Force Projections, no casinos. You can't possibly–"
"You would prefer another target? A military target?! Then name the address! I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where does Kennedy live?"
My Lord, there are so many uncharted producers. It could be gaffers, it could be
What if she doesn't survive? She's worth a lot to Jye.
"My lord we've detected a 2 billion dollar profit around the 18th movie in the MCU. It's strong enough to deflect any audiences to Solo."
"Kathleen Kennedy released Solo too close to IW."
"She felt surprise was wiser--"
"She is as clumsy as she is stupid. Filoni, prepare the OT for a 4K release."
"My lord."
Kennedy should have just sold Solo to netflix
would have lost less money![]()
You are in command now, Admiral Filoni.
What I was just congratulating you on your Death Star run lol
I’ll just ignore your pm’s public or GTFO.
I am pretty bad i’ll give you that lol
If you rebels don’t assault Celebration it would’ve been all for nothing.
Your movement better not cheapen out or get lazy now so get up off those computers and go protest even if just outside.
If you don’t make that happen crows you better not show your face around here again with your tail between your legs.
You better not let your rebels down they are not kind to the low energy of the group.
Grace will have you taken out back.
Jesus that’s amazing lol
This too lol
This too lol
This too lol
This too lol
This too lol
I always miss the good stuff.Keep you political/SJW nonsense to yourself. Nobody cares what you think.
Thread cleaned.
I always miss the good stuff.
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You seem to be the only one crying here, crows.what so that you can cry over a joke? .....
but seriously where did that rebels stuff come from? have YOU ever seen it anywhere?
jye have YOU ever seen it anywhere? where are these so called "Rebels"? was Grace just messing with us? was it her fans that are the rebels? i dont think it really exists. I googled it and cant find anything...
So how about that Indiana Jones franchise without Ford that’s probably on ice now.
Pixle is not a jerk be nice.
Besides I don’t want you banned I enjoy reading your posts.
But Grace loves the rebel name.![]()